Two examples of blatant lying from the left.
First, there is (former Enron advisor) Paul Krugman,
lying about the results of media studies of the Florida 2000 vote:
Two different news media consortiums reviewed Florida's ballots; both found that a full manual recount would have given the election to Mr. Gore.
Yet the truth is quite the opposite:
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Comments 9
They themselfs don't know when they are lying.
They tend to remember things being a bit more inline with what they believe than they really were.
Every time a study was done showing that Bush would have won the recount the Democrats shout over it clamming the study showed the opposate hoping people forget the actual report and remember only the false clame.
Over time they successfully sabotog there own memorys of events.
In psycology they call this a "Pathological lier"
perhaps you should note Bush, Ashcroft et al as enormous Enron beneficiaries and supporters. Ooops! That'd be too honest for our hobbyist friend
Krugman himself admits it, why can't you?
Technically it is true that a "full manual recount" might have favored Gore. But Gore wasn't seeking that. He was seeking a partial (some counties only) manual recount. THe "full" part was something the two consortia did on their own. And actually, even the full (statewide) recount might not have favored Gore (sufficiently) ; it only would have swung the election to him if the election workers had viewed each dangling chad as had the consortium.
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