The list of things that could use $1.6 million in funding in the United States probably exceeds 1.6 million itself. Yet the Obama administration, ever eager to buy votes, has decided that funding the restoration of
racist, anti-American murals in California is at the top of the list
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Comments 2
The internet is too busy panicking over a bill that NO ONE READ but which they somehow think is A. automatically law when the Senate passes it and B. going to shut down Facebook over your Hello Kitty screencap icon. (I think they're really just having a cow that their music-pirating sites are going to get closed down.) Good time for Obie to slip his Keystone decision through. The bill is actually somewhat entertaining in how it is basically saying "China" without saying "China."
OTOH, it was really funny seeing some useful idiots realize Al Franken was FOR it while Michele Bachman was against it. Apparently DEATH TO THE FREE MARKET ends when it's their video streaming they think is threatened.
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