I agree, but, then, since I don't watch ABC, I missed out on a lot of Stossel journalism. I'd rather him in his logical home - and I'd bet a LOT of people who have enjoyed Stossel on ABC over the years will check him out on Fox. We might win some converts...
It's too bad it's come down to this, because it was nice to have some voice of sanity outside of the Fox universe. But since the alphabet networks are little more than Pravda during the Soviet years and ABC hosed Stossel by not showing his pro-free market health care show, I don't blame him.
Now I'm wondering how long it will be before Lou Dobbs also bolts for Fox Business.
About time a big name is signed for the FOX Business channel. I don't have the channel in my cable package, but from what I've gathered online, they've done nothing to promote the channel over CNBC. This is the first sign I've seen of any competitive spirit on behalf of FBN.
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Now I'm wondering how long it will be before Lou Dobbs also bolts for Fox Business.
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