
Mar 06, 2010 22:47

Title: Promises

Summary: A shapeshifter gets the jump on the boys during a hunt in the woods.

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: None

Spoilers: None

Word Count: 100

Author's Note: Written for E/O Drabble Challenge. Word of the Week: Soft


The beast's canines tore into Sam's leg. Dean fired a round of silver into its hide. Luckily it wasn't a werewolf, only a shapeshifter with a sense of humor.

Dean mostly stopped the bleeding. Still, they weren't hiking out of the darkness tonight. He carried Sam as far as he could, but the mounded dried leaves were as soft of a bed as he could find. Gently Dean eased Sam down. Despite the care, Sam's breath hitched.

"You'll be fine," Dean promised.

He shrugged off his jacket and laid it over Sam when his brother shivered. Tomorrow would be better.

genre:hurt/comfort, category:drabble, kink:hurt!sam

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