
Jul 28, 2006 14:36

It's funny, really. Because I'm sitting here in the wake of my first ever rejection letter, and yet I'm smiling ( Read more... )

polaris, writing

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Comments 13

downerkid July 29 2006, 00:49:27 UTC

.. Wtf polar science. Who studies that kind of stuff anyways. D:< Themcrazypolarpeeps.

You've got a superpositive way of looking at things. THUMBSUPTHUMBSUP KEEPEMWRITINGG.


readingredhead July 29 2006, 16:23:12 UTC
:D Thanks! Yeah...I figure, I didn't make it because I didn't follow the prompt, but when I submit a novel for publication there won't have BEEN a prompt. The writing was good -- and that's the hardest part (or so they say).

I still can't stop smiling, so here are some smiles for you: :D :D :D :D :D


downerkid July 29 2006, 23:13:16 UTC
Rofl oh shit that's a lot of smiles. I'm getting squashed under the happy. Yeah, I think you could definitely write novels from what I've read of your stuff. GO FOR IITTTT.


cucumber_eyes89 July 29 2006, 01:30:56 UTC
"This letter tells me that I tried for something good and for something fine and that, though I have not succeeded, I am the stronger!"


readingredhead July 29 2006, 16:21:13 UTC
You've got it on the nose! I feel so much more confident about my writing...I got an honorable mention! It's not first place, but it's closer to first than to last. And there will be many, many more chances where this one came from.


comment5 July 29 2006, 02:44:24 UTC
Yay for rejection!

But forget not the wisdom of Master Yoda, you must. "No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."


readingredhead July 29 2006, 16:10:16 UTC
The wisdom of Master Yoda shall never be forgotten, so long as the Force is with me.


bluephoenix8807 July 29 2006, 03:00:17 UTC
You have a very positive way of looking at this, and that's good. It is indeed your first try, and its good to know that this has only encouraged you more.


spadleader88 July 29 2006, 22:47:01 UTC
You're amazing, Candace.

Keep smiling and you'll get 'em next time.

You're inspirational.


readingredhead July 30 2006, 17:49:21 UTC
If I'm inspirational then all of you are too because your encouragement is a large part of what keeps me at it!


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