I live!

Jun 28, 2006 21:42

So I'm happy -- I re-sent my story for Polaris and got a confirmation e-mail this time. Huzzah! Therefore all my worries are over, and I can focus on the really awesome stories that I'm going to write.

There are so many awesome things happening!

I'm sorry, I took a kind of a nap earlier and so now I'm really radically awake. And this is having ( Read more... )

polaris, stanford, writing, vacation

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Comments 5

pippins_smile June 29 2006, 05:46:32 UTC
It sounds like you're having a blast, and I love that you're chronicling the entire thing. =) Keep having fun up there!!


readingredhead June 29 2006, 22:08:00 UTC
Heh, as for the chronicling, it's something to do when I've got writer's block. Like now. :)


cucumber_eyes89 June 29 2006, 14:32:58 UTC
Sounds like fun, wish I could be there and brave the bad food with you =)


readingredhead June 29 2006, 22:06:34 UTC
Heh, the food's not really that bad. Better than I thought it'd be, at least.


spadleader88 June 30 2006, 00:08:19 UTC
Isn't life grand?

Glad you're having a blast!

Thanks for helping us to experience Stanford with you. =)


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