Why Space?

Oct 17, 2005 17:25

A few of you probably remember the rant/essay that I posted a while back about the American space program and how we should be focusing on the problems of this world before we turn outward. Well, yesterday I posted that piece on fictionpress.com, and today when I checked my e-mail I had a single review. It read as follows:

"One of the reasons we ( Read more... )

freewriting, politics, space

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Comments 6

=D spadleader88 October 18 2005, 02:56:52 UTC
And then there's the amazing Candace, whose intelligence, optimism, laughter, wit, and all-round uniqueness makes us all wish we could be as good a person as she is.

The future of our world lies in us all, so no pressure!

(I was wearing my SPAD shirt today! =P )


Re: =D readingredhead October 18 2005, 03:12:06 UTC
aw...you always make me smile! *hugs for Stephanie*

And i didn't even know you were wearing the SPAD shirt today...creepy.


actress4jesus October 18 2005, 20:55:50 UTC
I miss you, sweetie. And you are amazing yourself. You are what will change literature, my friend. Your imaginitive mind and loving soul.

And I have a feeling you were right... maybe I will turn into Mrs. Babic by the time I'm forty.


readingredhead October 19 2005, 03:16:20 UTC
well, maybe not by 40...but i can think of worse people to be than Mrs. Babic. I miss you too...but it's nice to keep up with your life online!


actress4jesus October 19 2005, 18:59:59 UTC
That's true, that's not too bad.... I really do miss you and it's great to hear about your life!


Space Travel... cricketeer November 12 2005, 05:43:02 UTC
Well...quite Frankly I'm a bit surprised at you. This must have been in one of your pragmatic moods. You do it for the adventure. Space is what is next. First man stepped out of his cave and saw the world. He crossed to the naxt hill and the one beyond that. He found fire and raised armies, he traveled the world. Man explored the oceans and found the new world. We blazed across the frontier and tamed the west. We went into space and eventually to the moon. So why go to Mars and beyond? It's whats next! The human existance is based upon the idea of exploration and adventure. It's in our natures to go on from here ( ... )


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