Blue Skies II

Aug 16, 2011 22:15

I'm sitting in an airport Starbucks, looking like a hipster with my coffee and my iPad and my plaid flannel shirt, and pondering the fact that in a couple of hours I'll be getting on a plane and I'll wake up in New York City.

The summer went by fast, except for the parts that went by slow. I did a lot with my time -- almost as much as I hoped, ( Read more... )

fanfiction, columbia, summer reading, new york, academia, young wizards, publication, grad school, writing, travel, doctor who, nanowrimo, via ljapp, the printer's daughter

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Comments 6

gienahclarette August 17 2011, 15:42:30 UTC
It's great to hear how you're doing!


rondaview August 17 2011, 16:11:29 UTC

*grabs calendar, flips to relevant page* Shit, C., how is it August 17th already? I am aghast. D:


readingredhead August 19 2011, 00:13:00 UTC
Heh, your reaction is pretty much my reaction. Yesterday felt unreal. Today felt slightly real-er. I'm going to hope this progress continues.


(The comment has been removed)

readingredhead August 19 2011, 00:14:06 UTC
:D Why thank you! And as for meeting up, I don't know when I'll have time to make it up to Boston (crazy first semester schedule is crazy), but do let me know if you're ever going to be down my way! And I hope your life gets a little less crazy...


cosmic_llin August 17 2011, 21:35:26 UTC
Eeee, so much good luck!!


alexandria_skye August 18 2011, 01:10:40 UTC
i'm so glad for you :) good luck and (though i'm sure i don't need to tell you) have fun!


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