still not dead (and this is surprising)

Apr 30, 2010 12:07

Really really quickpost to say I am home (well, London home), alive, now in possession of keys, and with only 26 more pages of script to write today! (Yes, I said "only." Considering how little writing I did during my trip I'm actually surprised at this.) Laundry will be done shortly and I will then also possess clean clothes! I still lack food ( Read more... )

travel, doctor who, london, script frenzy, jane austen

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Comments 2

spadleader88 May 1 2010, 04:44:25 UTC
So glad you're not dead!! haha. Can't wait to hear all about your continuing amazing adventures! and omg there's a Festival of Books in England! We just had the big one at UCLA and it's amaaaazing, so definitely enjoy that! :) And you're going to be 21! Oh goodness we can go out when you get back! Yay!


readingredhead May 1 2010, 08:41:44 UTC
Uhhh I am probably mostly dead. But today marks Day 1 of the 20-day stint I will now spend almost entirely within the confines of the library...and although I'll probably put up a post about my travels it will also probably be a while in coming since I really need to start focusing on those pesky things they call essays, which I still have not started to write. However, there is a book festival at the end of the tunnel so I cannot be terribly disappointed. :) (Also, how have I never been to the LA festival of books? I am always jealous when you go. And now Corinne goes too. This must be remedied.)


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