Journey's End

Mar 30, 2010 01:49

Oh man. I have to wake up in six hours so I should probably get to sleep, but I have to say, I am more than justifiably obsessed with Doctor Who. Because it does everything that good fiction should do. It works on such an epic register but at the end of the day everything is personal. I'm still a little eh about how things ended up in this ep -- ( Read more... )

science fiction, doctor who

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Comments 2

araine March 30 2010, 03:01:07 UTC
also, I think I am a fangirl. Oops?

This, I feel, is not a bad thing.

I am currently working my way through Doctor Who myself.


readingredhead March 30 2010, 10:04:51 UTC
Yay for fangirling! :) And yay for someone else on my flist who will understand random squeeing regarding a certain Time Lord. (Also, I feel like the epic scale and register of the show, combined with its unabashed humor, is very similar to the YW books, and part of why I love both universes so much.)


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