True love exists, yes I know this

Feb 14, 2010 10:41

“Your people do have the idea of being ‘just good friends?’”

He gave her a sidewise look. “For so high and honorable an estate,” Roshaun said, “‘just’ seems a poor modifier to choose.”

--Wizards at War by Diane Duane

love, diane duane, young wizards

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Comments 4

araine February 14 2010, 23:27:56 UTC
I have not much to say other than, "adhfjk TRUEST LOVE FOREVER!", which is not at all constructive.

I will settle for flailing.

Oh, and:

"You're not doing it alone!" Dairine said.

His look got wry. "It had not occurred to me that I'd be able to stop you."

-- also Wizards at War


readingredhead February 15 2010, 09:07:35 UTC
Goodness, I wanted to quote that ENTIRE conversation but most people on my flist have not yet succumbed to my attempts to corrupt them with the beauty of Young Wizards. I might not have my books with me but I definitely have that entire conversation typed up, because it is probably my favorite part of the book. In that vein:

“Maybe I just like yanking your chain,” Dairine said, “as much as you like yanking mine.”

Roshaun’s expression was bemused. “The idiom is peculiar,” he said after a few moments, “except insofar as it implies we’re linked.”



araine February 16 2010, 03:33:13 UTC
I would quote that entire CHAPTER at people, but well, they might think I was crazy. As it is, I do all I can to convert people. I love our little fandom, but on the other hand, everything is so fantastic.

And they are so OTP. To throw another quote:

The problem is, she said silently, there isn't a word for what we've got. Whatever that is.

"Friendship" might possibly suffice as a description, Roshaun said.

But it seemed insufficient. You know what I mean, Dairine said.

(Also, I need to respond to your comment on my fan essay. Sorry that's taking me so long! Just... so many thoughts, not enough words!)


readingredhead February 16 2010, 09:02:58 UTC
Haha, yes, I have that one typed up too. There's something about their dynamic that is so intriguing, and totally different from Kit and Nita. You know they're meant for each other though. Frankly, while obviously they're both eventually gonna be canon, I can see Dairine and Roshaun striking up something like a relationship before Kit and Nita do (though their 'relationship' will always be harder to define than Kit and Nita's, as that quote beautifully attests to).

And don't worry about it, I accept geekery in whatever doses the universe metes it out to me. :)


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