Odds 'n' ends

May 27, 2009 11:14

A moment of white space for the California Supreme Court's decision:

Seriously, guys.

My family subscribes to the LA Times, and while I was glad that they covered the topic extensively, including front-page articles and a full spread later on, the first sentence of this article which glibly assumed the court's decision that marriage is ( Read more... )

job, travel, harry potter, equality, young wizards, books, to do

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Comments 1

pippins_smile May 28 2009, 01:15:19 UTC
Crazy library lady! I liked The Graveyard Book a lot; it helped that Neil Gaiman read the sixth chapter aloud when I went to see him in LA last November. :) And yes- Silas totally kicks ass. I figured out who he was before the implications became obvious.


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