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Comments 2

octavius_x May 7 2008, 07:03:38 UTC
Guess who this is?! Transhumance?

Remember I told you I used to write fanfic! That is partially untrue, because it implies I don't anymore and I do. I was hesitant to friend you on lj cause I thought you might erhm stumble across something on my journal that might make your very proper sensibilities seize up. But since you've expressed such love for Bloody Noses I figure you'll be able to cope with my racy extravagant posts that may or may not have slashy overtones. Um yes.

Jus-Just don't discuss it overtly in public with me; my pride can't take it.


readingredhead May 8 2008, 06:55:35 UTC
Hah, no worries, it's not like I go around talking to people about slash fanfic writers. I "used to" write fanfic as well... :)

At one time I might have had "proper sensibilities" but I'm pretty sure they slowly dissolved starting a few years ago.

And "Bloody Noses" was absolutely awesome -- how could I not love it?


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