Teachers and other stuff.

Sep 14, 2007 18:03

Well, it’s been a busy first few weeks of school, but at the end of week three of classes, I’ve got enough time to sit back, take a deep breath, and write an actual update.

I really enjoy all of my classes.  I’m taking classes in English, history, creative writing, tae kwon do (for fun!) and a seminar on language and technology.

I think my favorite ( Read more... )

english, history, beauty and the beast, berkeley, nanowrimo, writing

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Comments 15

incaseineedyou September 15 2007, 04:15:01 UTC
Your classes sound really cool.

I'm both a little bit disappointed and a little bit relieved to hear that the good teachers we had in high school can still serve as your standard in college- disappointed because I want all professors to be as good as them, but relieved because I feel a kind of loyalty to those teachers, and Humanities and everything, and I want to hang onto them as the ultimate (which always wants me to spell it ultamite...?) teachers... I don't know.

But it sounds like things are going well for you, and I'm really glad. Good luck with everything.


incaseineedyou September 15 2007, 04:24:29 UTC
Also, sorry I forgot to ask, I need help-

Remember in Krucli's class when he talked about the archetypal meaning of seasons? Was winter irony/satire? I remember it wasn't death, even though everyone thinks it is... I'm remembering something about the absence of hope, and how life is a cycle that mocks us (you spend your whole life gaining independence and then lose it, etc)... but I can't remember for sure if winter was the irony or what.

Sorry. I miss that class a lot. But I needed to know this for this challenge thing I'm distracting myself by writing, and I can't find my notes anywhere.


readingredhead September 15 2007, 23:43:50 UTC
yes, winter is satire. good memory.


incaseineedyou September 15 2007, 23:53:56 UTC
okay, thank you- big sigh of relief, because I've written a large part of a challenge story based on it.

Thanks again.


cucumber_eyes89 September 15 2007, 04:32:37 UTC
Thank you for the lovely card. Because of my lack of stamps, it may be awhile before I get back to you. :)


readingredhead September 15 2007, 23:43:14 UTC
Don't worry, I only have stamps because my mother mailed me more! I'm glad to hear you got it.


bluephoenix8807 September 15 2007, 04:52:53 UTC
Sounds like things are alright up there. Soon I'll be joining you as a citizen of NorCal.

Oh, and thanks for your call today! I was plesantly surprised and look forward towards the letter (or whatever it may be) you're sending me.


readingredhead September 15 2007, 23:44:22 UTC
It was good talking to you, too. I'll probably have something headed your way by Monday!


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