
Sep 05, 2007 19:13

This is (once again) just a quick update to let you know I'm still alive and doing well.  I think this weekend I'll have the time to sit down and relate (in a rather impressionistic way, no doubt) the salient facts regarding my first two weeks of classes.  As it is, I'm so busy with homework, clubs, and now my internship.  (I'm actually missing two ( Read more... )

english, history, nanowrimo, books, college, writing

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Comments 3

incaseineedyou September 6 2007, 05:47:18 UTC
I'm glad things are going so well for you. I took Tae Kwon Do for about 3 weeks a few years ago and had to quit because I couldn't deal with my younger brother being better than me- I'm not all that flexible either.

Your job beats my job. In the winter, lifeguards sit around and play Mindtrap. Or, lifeguards sit around, and I add in the mindtrap and mix CDs.

I can't wait to visit you :)


readingredhead September 8 2007, 17:04:27 UTC
I think my job beats your job because the people are so cool. The program director, Chris Baty, was the guy who started NaNoWriMo nine years ago and he's written a NaNo-novel every year since then. He's won every time -- while still running the program for thousands of other people! And these are the kind of people I'm in the office with.

I want you to come visit! Please? :)


cucumber_eyes89 September 6 2007, 19:48:29 UTC
I love that you're doing well, and I miss you entirely :) You're wonderful, you'll be fine, promise.


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