
Aug 28, 2007 07:35

I'm sitting here at 7:30 in the morning listening to an Astronomy class podcast (because I didn't go to the class yesterday) while licking peanut butter off a plastic spoon for breakfast.

Yes guys, I'm in college.

(And I'm annoyed that I missed the total lunar eclipse but I REALLY NEEDED TO SLEEP.)

Also, Shannen -- if you're ever bored and want to ( Read more... )

astronomy, college

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Comments 4

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readingredhead August 29 2007, 15:49:55 UTC
Good to know.


alexandria_skye August 28 2007, 15:31:58 UTC
i missed it for sleep too. :(
i *so* need a time turner...


fallenrose24 August 28 2007, 18:10:00 UTC
The eclipse was beautiful, but hey, they come around at least once a year, so it's not a once in a life time thing.

Thanks for the link, by the way. I might check it out when I have some free time. Being out under the stars at 3 am reminded me of how much I love astronomy.


readingredhead August 29 2007, 15:49:37 UTC
Yeah, I know lunar eclipses aren't too uncommon so that was also part of my rationale... Apparently the astro professor whose lectures I linked to also has a thing for solar eclipses, and he's traveled around the world just to be present when they happen. He sounds like a cool guy, even if I don't end up taking the class.


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