Headache, but otherwise okay.

Mar 01, 2007 15:43

Don't have too much to do...that's a first.  Really, I have plenty of things to do, but they're not all going to get done.

I think my favorite thing I did today was work on a project in Art.  We're supposed to draw a superhero or action figure or something, so I asked if I could draw a character from one of the books I'm writing.  So I drew Holly, ( Read more... )

chemistry, quote, art, poetry, azuria

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Comments 4

bluephoenix8807 March 2 2007, 04:18:31 UTC
I like Walcott too. For some reason, I just..."get" him better than other poets, y'know? Or something like that.


readingredhead March 2 2007, 04:20:44 UTC
Understood. It's really a visceral thing -- somewhere in your gut you feel it, whether it works or not, but for Walcott it just *does*.


incaseineedyou March 2 2007, 05:07:35 UTC
Ugh. I haven't started my history paper yet... haha. I guess that makes it my fault that you have time to read or write and I don't, so I won't complain any more than that.

I haven't gone through the walcott packet, but I really liked the one we read in class. "The classics can console. But not enough." Loved it.


readingredhead March 2 2007, 05:26:29 UTC
Definitely. Such a perfect way of putting it -- really, I like that better even than Omeros. Sorry about the paper -- good luck getting it done.


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