The Apocalypse is Not a Buddy Show, 3/?

Jul 28, 2010 12:47

Title: The Apocalypse is Not a Buddy Show, 3/?
Fandom: Supernatural
Author: reading_is_in
Characters: Castiel, Dean, Anna
Genre: Drama, Humour
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: All recognized characters from ‘Supernatural’ are property of Eric Kripke/CW. This fan fiction is not for profit.
Summary: Just because you're fallen, doesn't mean you can't fight demon crime. Set late Season 4: Spoilers up to 5.02.

Dean had to remember that Castiel was a warrior, and try not to think about how oddly his friend was adapting to ‘humanity’. He had given Cas the easiest shot, and to his relief, when he looked for the ex-angel from the shaft window, Castiel was in position. Dean sighted along the barrel at the bald demon. The girl who seemed to be the ring-leader lifted the chalice. The third demon looked on, holding a candle in a heavy metal candlestick, Dean raised his eyes to Castiel. The ex-angel looked intent and like he was aiming correctly. Dean widened his eyes subconsciously, ready to give ‘the signal’ -
- when the third demon raised her eyes, met his, then turned around and clubbed the chalice-bearer over the head with the candlestick. She dropped the chalice immediately, and it shattered, crimson blood splattering over the tiles, as the bald demon turned to swing at the attacker. The third demon ducked and brought her knee up viciously to connect with his genitals. Dean winced despite himself. The bald demon grunted and fell back - the chalice-bearer had recovered, but so had Dean recovered from his surprise. He blasted the chalice-bearer with enough rock salt to floor her. Meanwhile, the renegade demon had an iron wire tought around the ball guy’s neck - he was snarling, subdued as she stood over him. Dean kicked the windowframe in and clambered inside, quickly chalking a devil’s trap around all three of the demons. His pulse was raised with a adrenaline, and he found himself a little disappointed at not getting more of the action.
“You are a defector,” said Castiel. He had entered the crypt at the same time Dean had, and was now addressing the candlestick wielding demon: “Unless, of course, you are a double agent.” His blue eyes narrowed suspiciously. The third demon smirked in way Dean would recognize anywhere:
“Not bad,” she nodded: “You’re getting quicker on the uptake, Deano.”
“Where’s Sam? And - where’s your vessel?”
“Coma patient? Currently engrossed in silent prayer in St. Patricks, Little Italy. It was either that place or this one, and I couldn’t move her fast enough.”
“That’s…vaguely gross.”
Ruby shrugged. “So you gonna let me out of here?” She raised her eyebrows.
“Nope,” Dean said, but didn’t begin an exorcism.
“She could be a potentially useful ally,” said Castiel, and to Ruby, “Why did you stop the seal breaking?”
“Cultural diversity 101, angel boy: not all demons are alike. Believe it or not, not all of us are gunning for the Big A.”
“Where’s Sam?” Dean asked again.
“Am I your brother’s keeper?” Ruby raised her eyebrows. “Thought that was your job.”
“You mean he’s not with you?”
“Haven’t seen him in three days,” Ruby shrugged. “Went out for pizza, came back and the room was empty. No untoward signs of a struggle.”
“Eh, a couple of broken lamps. But you know our Sammy these days.”
It was a deep and abiding pain to Dean that he couldn’t particularly dispute that.
“He’s not eight anymore, big bro,” Ruby shrugged: “When an itinerant twenty-six year old with no dependents takes off without notice, that’s not a crime. That’s freedom of movement. ”
“No, something’s wrong,” Dean said. Wasn’t that the truth.
“Well, have it your way. I got to get back to coma girl. Don’t want the parishioners to get suspicious - nobody’s that devout. If you would?” she yanked on the iron wire, stunning her captive, then dropped him and looked pointedly at the edge of the devil’s trap. Narrowing his eyes in suspicion, Dean carefully erased a single line, allowed Ruby to step out, then chalked it in again. “Later kids.” Ruby evacuated her host, who dropped bonelessly to the tile floor. Dean checked briefly for a pulse, but there wasn’t one.
They exorcised the remaining demons, then got back to the Impala. Her tires had been slashed, front and back, but Dean gritted his teeth and reminded himself it could always have been worse.

* * *

Anna was talking to him again. Castiel sat up quickly. In truth he had geniunely been asleep - his first mission as a (more-or-less) human, whilst enjoyable, had tired him more than he expected. Moonlight flooded the sparse motel room. Dean didn’t so much as shift in his sleep as Castiel responded:
I am listening. What is the Will?
You must get Sam Winchester back. We need him on our side.
Castiel was startled. Anna had been his superior in his other life: perhaps she could operate like his senior officer, using her angelic insight to seek out missions for him and Dean. He smiled a little at the thought. But senior officers had to abide by the rules of the organization, and he knew that what Anna was asking of him was not theWwill of the host. He had not had the heart to tell Dean yet - but the majority opinion in heaven was that Sam Winchester would have to be killed soon. No human could oppose Lilith, or resist Lucifer. Hubris, the downfall of many humans before him, was preventing Sam from acknowledging his weakness and submitting to heaven. He professed faith - but his actions showed that he was hell-bent on his prideful path. Castiel felt a twinge of sadness at the probably literal application of the expression.
We cannot force the humans, He said to Anna, They must do as they will.
But he must have the chance first! Sam Winchester has been taken by three demons. They are forcing him to drink their blood until his will eroded. That is not free choice.
Castiel felt a shameful moment of doubt at Anna’s definition of ‘forcing’. Hurriedly he dismissed that from his mind. What would Dean say?
Do you know where he is? He asked Anna.
An abandoned warehouse in the Meatpacking district. She directed him. Wake Dean: go now.
His tiredness vanished as the message ended: he thought that a sense of purpose, the satisfying ritual of finishing one mission and being awarded another, probably went a long way towards keeping agents refreshed and ready for action.

Part Four.

spn fic, fandom

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