Title: Kangin: The Clown
Pairing: Kangin/Donghae
Word Count: 927
Theme: 030. Warmth Kangin/Donghae
Summary: Who knew keeping an eye on a clown would be so much trouble? As Kangin is changed into a clown, Donghae is charged with keeping an eye on him.
Kangin: The Clown )
Comments 4
This was SOO Random!
But it was funny @ the same time
I'da wanted an animal balloon from KangIn.....
it really is XD
love ♥
Also, did you see Lee Hyori's MV for her new song? It has a scary looking clown in it. T_________T
you'll just have to wait and see
thanks :D
love ♥
yes i did see it, the clown wasn't scary but it was creepy at times...
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