Title: The World Off Its Feet By: Re White Disclaimer: Theirs, not mine. Ratings: R Summery: “Fuck you, this ain’t Red Hood’s Home for Wayward Vigilantes.”
Seriously though, I'm really happy my Connor works for you. There's not a whole lot of Connor fic out there, and I tend to differ with them in my character choices, mostly because I think there's an important portion of his personality defined, almost entirely, by his family; his perception of it, and his place in it.(I believe that about any and all Tims too, if albeit in a slightly different direction.)
Comments 2
Can't wait!
Seriously though, I'm really happy my Connor works for you. There's not a whole lot of Connor fic out there, and I tend to differ with them in my character choices, mostly because I think there's an important portion of his personality defined, almost entirely, by his family; his perception of it, and his place in it.(I believe that about any and all Tims too, if albeit in a slightly different direction.)
WRT Eddie: I can't help it. My love is pure.
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