♔ {os} bu bi bu ,, kaihun

Aug 19, 2012 19:06

bu bi bu

✖ jongin x sehun | g | fluff
✖ 4,245 w.
✖ summary : jongin loves sehun, and sehun loves a kitty (too).
✖ a/n : an early bd present for my forever precious cutie kitten sweet dandelion jinri oppar chanyeol oppar/hyung sir park chanyeol chanyeol's umma kaihun's no. 1 delusional captain dennie baby mingtaeng lol

♥ thanks to my special 世界 tubbies girls; seisdemayo & ohmysekai for beta read and fixed what is wrong for me, seriously how do i live without you guysss ? ; v ;
*group hug*

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"come on, jongin ah ~


"please ?"

"no, just no."

"why not ?"

"because no is no."

"please ?"

"no way."

"pretty please ~”


“come on ~ .. um .. how about … i promise i will not be going anywhere tomorrow, just lying down on the bed with you and let you hug me all day as much as you want !”

“............. really ?”

so it’s like this; that afternoon sehun hummed happily walking arm in arm with jongin while they were going to the pet shop before they went back to their apartment with a new roommate which is a white 7 week-old fluffy scottish fold little kitten.

(in which jongin who has a problem with cat allergies had sneezed all the way home and his nose was red like a reindeer's nose)

the next day, sehun keeps his word by lying comfortably on the bed and allow jongin to hold him still. jongin buries his face on the crook of the other’s neck, inhaling deeply the scent that reminds him of a baby, arms around the smaller waist and does nothing more, just affectionately embraces him on the soft bed and have their own time together like this can make jongin joyfully grin.

but ...

“achoo !”

sehun struggles out of jongin(who just sneezed)’s arms then looks over the latter’s shoulder to the bedroom door. a smile spreads across his face before he jumps out of the bed and dashes cheerily to the little kitten that steps slowly into the bedroom through an ajar door.

“pudding !”

sehun holds up the kitty whom he named after his favorite dessert and kisses both of its cheeks fondly. leaving an annoyed jongin to grab a tissue paper to blow his nose alone on the bed, mumbling with his low voice behind a piece of tissue.

“sehun ah … can you just ... leave pudding in another room for awhile ?”

“oops ! i’m so sorry jongin ah ! then i will take pudding outside with me ok ?!”

jongin’s jaw drops down on the bed while dumbfoundedly looking at sehun who carries pudding out of the room with him before he kindly closes the door for him and not coming back ...

… asdka;slkd;asl he didn’t mean it like thattttt !!!

there is a sound of something breaking ...

“achoo ! …. sehun !!!”

sehun opens the door at the speed of light, poking his full of shampoo bubbles head out of the half-closed bathroom door.

“what ? what ??”

jongin frowns, arms crossed, before pointing to the new member that's snuggling with a pillow on the couch adorably, ears folded down, big round eyes looking at sehun and the latter gasps and almost squeals but he knows this is not the right time because his boyfriend is still fuming and glaring intently at him.

“why ? what happened ? what did pudding do ?”

jongin groans before he changes the direction of his left index finger to their small balcony. sehun looks through the mirror of the sliding door, and sees jongin’s cactus pot on the floor--actually a broken cactus pot, the dirt that once filled the pot now spreading near the cactus itself.

“look, look ! look at what your pudding has just done !?” jongin snarls with low voice, face and the tip of his ears (and nose) are all red; at both the little trouble, and the one who was cutely pleading at him so he was soft-hearted (in no time) and agreed with him after all.

“what !? pudding went to the balcony !?”

he’s about to go out of the bathroom but recalls that he still has nothing on his body (except those bubbles & foam), so he goes back inside once again before coming out with a white towel wrapped around his waist covering his lower body safely. darting past jongin, who had his mouth open about to say something, to the kitten, carefully carrying it up in his arms and caresses its hair lovingly.

“pudding ah ~ why are you being like this hmm ? playing at the balcony is quite dangerous you know? what should i do if you really fall ?”

jongin rolls his eyes, what should you do if it really falls ? last time he checked their room was on the first floor since the day they moved in, and till today it’s still on the first floor. no need for stairs and elevator. so what’s the point to care ? and if pudding really fell outside, their balcony have shrubs planted around that area so it isn’t going to drop at a hard cement floor or something.

but what about his cactus !!!? crashed pathetically !! (or maybe he's just over-reacting … actually, he just have to put that cactus in another pot and scoop those dirt in that new pot, done.)

“jongin ! why did you leave the door open like that !? what are you gonna do if poor pudding fell !?” sehun frowns and pouts angrily (yet he still looks cute in jongin’s eyes)


um … so the one who's at fault is him right ? the one who was kind enough to bring that cat back inside and close the door just in case it wants to go out again … so this is his fault right ? … this is poor jongin’s fault right .... ?

there is the sound of something breaking (again) ...

“achoo ! …. sehun !!!”

sehun is startled and runs from the living room into his small bedroom, that was modified to be jongin’s second studio now, with patbingsoo cup in one of his hands while a plastic spoon is in his mouth.

“what ? what ??”

jongin’s body is shaking angrily while pointing to this home’s new member which is lying on its back on … something that resembles to sehun, jongin’s old pair of boxers (he has no idea why is it there though), pawing the air with itself, cutely and innocently and sehun almost squeaks but he knows this is not the right time because his boyfriend still fuming and glaring intently at him.

“why ? what happened ? what did pudding do ?” (voice muffled because that spoon still in his mouth)

jongin (who tries his best to ignore sehun’s natural cuteness) groans before he changes the direction of his left index finger to a pile of his paperwork on the table. sehun’s eyes follow jongin’s gesture, there are cute small footprints marked sparsely on those papers. jongin’s paperwork.

“look, look ! look at what your pudding has just done !?” jongin snarls with low voice, face and the tip of his ears (and nose) are all red; at both the little trouble, and the one who was cutely pleading him so he was soft-hearted (in no time) and agreed with him after all.

jongin extends his arms to show his baby blue crew neck t-shirt with coffee stains on it before he points to the floor, there is a white coffee mug--actually a broken mug, coffee that once filled inside the mug now spreading near those scattering fragments.

“what !?”

finally that spoon drops from sehun’s mouth, he shoves the patbingsoo cup into jongin (who had his mouth open about to say something)’s hand before he rushes to the kitten, carefully carrying it up in his arms and carefully examines the paws that its clean white fur now turns coffee-color.

“awww pudding ah ~ why are you so unwary like this ? did you just knock at jongin ’s mug ? what should I do if the coffee burns you ?”

jongin rolls his eyes, what should you do if it get burned ? excuse me … that coffee is not even warm now because he just placed it on the table while he's busy with his work before that damn pudding jumped on the table and knocked the mug down, splashed on his shirt, crashed on the floor, moreover, those damn claws that just stepped on his coffee also stepped on his precious papers … hell !

“jongin ! why were you so mindless like that ?! what are you gonna do if poor pudding get burned ?!” sehun frowns and pouts angrily (yet he still looks cute in jongin’s eyes)


um … so the one who's at fault is him right ? just sitting like a boss doing his own work in his own room … so this is his fault right ? … this is poor jongin’s fault right .... ?

jongin just thinks that he shouldn’t have been soft-hearted with sehun’s request that day … he seriously shouldn’t have …

pudding, yup, that kitty with very cute name and cute face, it’s his jinx, his nemesis, his enemy, his … something that only brings him bad luck nonstop … he’s very sure that its ability since it was born is ‘forever cursing kim jongin’. (this doesn’t count what it has done to his poor nose yet …)

and the point is … from the first time sehun has added pudding inside their home sweet home … sehun always (unintentionally) ignores him and takes very goodddd care of that pudding only.

of course it's so obvious that jongin isn’t cute like a kitty, is he ? well duh, and this puppy jongin isn’t sehunnie’s first priority anymore, is he ?

it’s like pudding purposely … go ahead and call him insane if you want, but everytime he tries to use his time with his sehunnie, pudding always, one more time, always, smoothly interrupts his sweet and precious moment everytime, before it draws sehun to pay attention to it. and when jongin stares at it irritatedly, that kitty will look back with glittering naive eyes like ‘what ? i don’t know I’m not wrong’.

fuck !

that damn brat cat ! one day, just one day … when sehun’s not at home i will drop you in a boiling pot and serve you as a good looking dinner dish ! (of course it will be for park chanyeol who lives next door since that guy is always so noisy with his voice cracked when he has tried to sing opera ...)

grits his teeth while glaring at the milky white kitten (he just realized that sehun and pudding are both pale bright white while he’s the only one in the house that's tanned … great), eyes shut tight and purring happily on sehun’s lap and lets sehun keep caressing its head and back. damn it … that was his territory ! … (in fact, still his if that cat doesn’t exist in the first place). the one who always rests his head on sehun’ s soft lap before you were born is me ! and the one whom sehun always caresses his head lovingly like that before you were born is also me !

(......................... oh god did he just get jealous … ? of a cat ? a kitty ?)

it seems that the cat can senses jongin’s irritated and jealous silent gaze with its own animal instinct, so it opens its eyes to make eye contact with jongin. jongin bets that if pudding can smile, it may be smirking at him right now.

stupid cat …

“achoo !”

next day, jongin’s grey sweater that was neatly folded, preparing to put in his wardrobe happens to have enigmatical scratches on it with a few strands of yarn that was pulled loose ...

next day, jongin throws pudding’s rubber mouse toy at park-chanyeol-who-lives-next-door’s balcony …

next day, jongin’s dark blue tie happens to have mysterious long scratch made by claws …

next day, jongin switches pudding’s oh-so-manly-and-pink soft sleeping pad (yes if you still didn’t know, pudding is a male cat) with park-chanyeol-who-lives-next-door’s sloppy rough doormat …

(“oh my god ! this is cute ! i don’t know who gave it but hey, thanks ! i need to take a selca with it and mention this to baekhyunnie’s twitter now !”)

this day, probably is the most irritating day in this year of jongin …

sehun is going on a trip with luhan, sehun’s number one point two hyung.

(note : 1.2 because; jongin self-proclaimed that he is one and only number one of sehun but he has upgraded himself to be moreeeee than that a while ago so he kindly gave his old position to luhan hyung. but sehun’s chinese friend can only be .2 version, because, isn’t it so obvious ?, that ‘number one’ is always for only one person, always.)

if jongin didn’t already know luhan this well and didn’t know better that luhan also has that round face with chubby cheeks guy as his number one, jongin’d never let sehun go with him. he might end up punching luhan in the face actually … that skinship monster ! a little touch there, a loose hug there and …. slightly grope there … excuse me … THAT’S MY BOYFRIEND DUDE.

but that’s not the main point here and now (because minseok hyung will be going with them too but after he finish his work). jongin’s big very big and annoying problem now is …

he squints his eyes at his side on the same couch he is sitting on right now, where the cat is lying low there and narrowing its eyes at him, jongin absolutely gives back his sharp and harsh stares persistently.

before sehun left with his baby blue suitcase when luhan visited their apartment to pick him up with his suv car, he has been entrusting him to take care of pudding for him for just a few days. jongin protested as soon as sehun finished his sentence, as far as he’s concerned why the hell should he take care of that rotten pudding ?!!

but when sehun stood on tiptoe to plant a soft kiss on jongin’s cheek before he tilted his head slightly to one side followed up with a cute ‘please ?’

… hah …

‘… shot me out of the sky, you're my kryptonite. you keep making me weak, yeah frozen and can't breathe. …’

… suddenly played in his ears and jongin couldn’t agree more.

he only said a weak ‘ok’ back to sehun who beamed happily at him after that, so, here he is, only sitting here and scowling …

when jongin sighs and side-eyes pudding, pudding exhales its breath out loudly through its nose before it looks away at the other side.

oh how great. a man doesn’t want to be here with a cat, and that cat doesn’t want to be here with that man either …

“achoo !”

… enough, he seriously can’t live with it …

shaking his head as a sign of give up, he then enters the bedroom, leaving pudding alone. food and water are filled in the cat bowls already so it shouldn’t have any problem. all of his work and his important things, jongin already kept it in a safe place and out of pudding’s radius.

he sits on their double bed, legs extended, leaning against a pile of pillows while silently reading some random book he found in the bedroom before he dozes off for hours. when he finally wakes up, it’s dark outside the windows so he guesses sehun and luhan might have arrived at the hotel there already (while minseok hyung is driving alone now), jongin gets out of bed, yawning and stretching his arms in the air while walking to the door, opening it slightly and leaning out to find pudding.

5-month-old kitty still lying in the same spot from before, spot that belongs to sehun, it’s his usual place to sit, dispirited, which is shown on its face, can tell how much pudding misses its beloved master.

what he just saw it, it makes jongin’s heart to clench tight, eventhough pudding isn’t a lively and cheerful cat who jumps around the house spiritedly all day, but its normal eagerness and curiosity disappeared. and pudding has never shown this depressed behavior before so jongin finds it not normal.

he pushes the door away and walks slowly to sit beside it, carries pudding up and places it on his lap, does what sehun always does, scratches its chin and pats its head soft and slow.

“missing sehun right ? me too.”

maybe this is the only joint that a man and a kitty share in common ?

“achoo !”

only a few minutes pass and jongin just sneezed again, but this time he pays no attention to the fact that he still has cat allergies, instead, he keeps caressing pudding’s back pleasantly (again, he just realized that sehun and pudding are both soft and smooth and he thinks he kinda likes it …) and watches some cooking show on tv while talking with pudding as if it can understand him.

(sneeze sounds keep playing along with what the woman chef in tv says)

and pudding closes its eyes, meekly feels the soft and strange touch by jongin as if previously there aren’t any stupid war between man and cat that happened before.

this time pudding did it intentionally … jongin knows.

because he and pudding are getting along with each other now, since that day they had to live alone without sehun.

and it’s also his fault to be this careless … jongin also knows this.

but even so, he can’t keep calm and control his anger this time. pudding just jumped and collided with a glass of water before it lopsided and fell down, all of the liquid inside spilled on his laptop which he was working on previously before the electrical outlet inside was shorted and sparked then the laptop switched off and the screen turned black, which he knew it already broke down.

he knows it’s basically his fault to leave the door open and place that glass next to an electric device like that ... but still, he was too angry because what he was working with is something he needs to present at the proposal tomorrow, and now it all vanished and he guesses it can’t be recovered. so he just threw his tantrum at a poor little kitty, shouted loudly till it was so scared of him and runs away to sehun.

a moment later, sehun entered the room with expression of guilt on his face … that made jongin’s breath hitch.

“jongin … i’m sorry … sorry for what pudding has just done … and sorry that i didn’t listen to you from the start, only stubborn and so self-centered even if i know that you always have cat allergies, so it ended up troubling you and caused you a lot of trouble … i don’t know that if it can be fixed or not so i will buy you a new one for now, but … i .. i really don’t know what to do with your lost work … i’m sorry jongin ah …”

sehun didn’t wait for jongin to take back his words, he carried pudding with him and went out of their apartment, which jongin had no idea where.

that evening, sehun’s back with a new laptop he brought for jongin, but pudding is nowhere to be found.

sehun only gives him a weak smile when jongin asked ‘where is pudding ?’ before answers;

‘i gave it to someone … someone i’m very sure they can take good care of it better than me. because if i have pudding with us and that makes you only infinitely troubled, then i choose not to. so now it’s just only you and me like before again hm ?’

jongin freezes. suddenly his mind goes blank and he doesn’t know where to start or what he should say. he should be happy right ? now everything is back to basic, back to where there’re only sehun and jongin so he should be grateful and grin like an idiot. but he’s not and he can't. because sehun’s face says it all, it tells him how much hurt he has been enduring with when he had to let pudding go with someone else.

jongin saw only forceful smiles from sehun for 3 days and he terribly hates this …

after he saw how his boyfriend has been feeling unhappy for weeks, he started to think that their room really looks bigger without a little kitten with them.

one saturday that they both don’t have to go to work and decided to just loaf around the house, sehun sits on jongin’s lap while they are watching a 7 member boyband doing stupid things in a variety show together. sehun was rocked side to side gently by the older like he is his little baby, chuckling softly, before he shoves some potato chips in jongin’s mouth. the latter chews a moment then swallows, and mumbles to sehun’s back under his cardigan he wore.

“…. i kinda miss pudding …” buries his nose on soft cloth (aware not to touch his oily lips on sehun’s cardigan), the detergent that sehun chose smells so good and its scent is sweet like strawberry or something jongin barely want to know, so he tightens the embrace.

“really ?” he raised one of his eyebrows, tongue darts out to licking his original potato tasted lips.

“really. pudding is cute, i think you chose the right one.” nodding in his own words even though sehun can’t see this. “… i feel bad that i yelled at him like that, i shouldn’t have done that, it might be so scared of me now.”

“shh ..” sehun puts that bag of potato chips he's holding on the coffee table in front of them before he adjusts his position to see jongin clearly and still comfortable for the both of them. he slings his arm loosely around his few months older boyfriend’s neck, a hand pats his cheek fondly. “i think … pudding also feel bad for ruining its jongin hyung’s work like that.”

jongin’s heart skips a beat with that ‘jongin hyung’, he pretends he didn’t know that sehun called him like that just only to speak for pudding.

“how do you know ? are you a cat ?” snickers, amused.

“meow ~” sehun mewls cutely, trying to imitate a cat’s crying sound, teasing his boyfriend by nudging the tip of his nose to jongin’s jaw line softly.

of course, that’s effectively blowing jongin's mind, shutting all of his thoughts, to completely forget about pudding and pays all of his attention only to throw sehun on the couch before pressing his body on sehun’s.

“who do you love the most, me or pudding ?”

“… isn’t it quite obvious already ?”

“what ? i think i’m not following you now …”

he rolls his eyes and scoffs a bit sarcastically “… yeah, it’s pudding, no, it’s you kim jongin you dummy.”

“err .. still not following ?”

“… of course i love you the most but sometimes you’re just so dumb and i have no idea why i love a guy like you …”

“… oh ? … oh.”

a few days later, jongin finally makes a final decision.

“sehun ah, i can’t remember who did you tell me you gave pudding to ? and will this be ok if we ask them to give it back ?”

sehun giggles happily, he reaches his hand across the dining table and two bowls of milk and froot loops to squeeze jongin’s nose lovingly and calls someone as soon as he grabs his i-phone, just for a short moment when sehun hears the muffled voice.

“luhannie hyung ! now jongin just allows me to keep pudding with us again !”


ha … he should’ve known this better …

when sehun carries a plastic travel cage with a soft pad inside back at home, he opens the cage door and pudding suddenly leaps out. a small little fluffy creature runs as fast as possible to sit on jongin’s lap, and keeps snuggling at him like it’s the only thing it can do for another way to say ‘i’m sorry’.

hm .. so .. it’s not that bad right ?

“achoo !”

perhaps ….... ?

"come on, jongin ah ~ "


"please ?"

"no, just no."

"why not ?"

"because no is no."

"please ?"

"no way."

"pretty please ~”


“come on ~ .. um .. how about … i promise i will not going anywhere tomorrow, only lie down on the bed with you and let you hug me all day as much as you want !”

“............. better keep your word this time ok ?”

so it’s like this (again); that afternoon sehun hummed happily as he walked arm in arm with jongin while they were going to the same pet shop, before they went back to their apartment with a new roommate which is a white with light brown fluffy scottish fold little kitten 6 weeks olds as pudding’s new friend.

(in which jongin who has a problem with cat allergies kept sneezing all the way home and his nose was red like a reindeer's nose)

and the next day, sehun completely forgot his promise because he is busy with spoiling ‘milk tea’, the new kitty all day … leaving jongin and pudding sigh in unison ...


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aw ... i'm sorry den ; ; i need to rush this because i will be on hiatus for a while
i guess you can tell why this fic is for you XD
and you may see that actually this fic is jongin x pudding LMAO
or maybe jongin x pudding x sehun ot3 bwahahaha loool
(it's pudding & milk tea because pudding milk tea is forever my favorite drink ~~~~~ ♡ kyaaaa > w < but not related to bubble tea couple = w ='' ....)

hope you love this ! ; v ;''

so, happy birthday ♡ :D
thank you, really, thank you so much for followed my tumblr that day and keep being so nice to me ; ; /sobs
remember what i told you before ? i will never stop being your friend and stop talking to you :) never. you're forever my sweet dongsaeng ♡
now c'here, lemme hug you :D ♥

and also ! this is for kat my cutie newest friend :DD seriously we really should have met sooner ; A ; ............. ♥ ilu

exo, kaihun for life

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