Not the Buffybot (Spike Tribute)

Apr 23, 2014 18:11

Short (about 1 minute) Spike tribute with the twist at the end.

I know that elggoh already made great Spike vid using that song. But I simply had no other choice, for the obvious reasons.

Song by George Thorogood.

Upd. 20.05.2014: vid re-uploaded with the slight changes - color correction, small scene sequence editing and aspect ratio fix.

image Click to view

Vimeo link behind the cut )

crossover, video, char: spike, btvs

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Comments 24

xspike4evax April 24 2014, 10:34:49 UTC
The song fits Spike perfectly. Great vid, I loved the twist at the end . Great tribute to a fab character!


rbfvid April 24 2014, 14:09:49 UTC


emma_in_oz April 27 2014, 11:10:25 UTC
That's so funny.


rbfvid April 27 2014, 11:40:42 UTC
Thank you)


mwrgana_muse April 27 2014, 11:16:02 UTC
I love that - perfect sound track. You're very clever, I've been wanting to make a video for years but still haven't got round to learning how to do it.


rbfvid April 27 2014, 11:46:19 UTC
Thank you. As to vidding - just try it and see where it takes you... after watching some 20 hours of youtube tutorials)


(The comment has been removed)

rbfvid April 30 2014, 19:23:56 UTC
Yes, kind of obvious idea when you think about it)


spikesredqueen April 30 2014, 20:54:14 UTC
This video just tickled me, especially the Terminator ending. Great job!


rbfvid April 30 2014, 22:12:52 UTC
Thanks a lot.


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