And here comes Spike bearing cats...

Dec 18, 2014 21:30

Hopefully this is a draft of a panel for upcoming  BtVS "Love Dares You" comic arc made by new artist Megan Levens.
If it is true, I don't care what was in the Buffy comics in the past - this makes up for EVERYTHING.

Read more... )

cats, pairing: bangel, btvs comics, btvs, char: xander, char: willow, char: buffy, char: angel, char: spike

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Comments 12

rahirah December 18 2014, 19:42:29 UTC
Damn it, and I had just about weaned myself off the comics!


rbfvid December 18 2014, 20:25:59 UTC
I totally call it a foul blow - she uses cheekbones, kittens and nail polish agains us!


red_satin_doll December 26 2014, 05:39:16 UTC
Damn it, and I had just about weaned myself off the comics!

Right? All of the sudden I'm almost interested again. (Almost.) At least I still have an excuse to not toss out my comics icon.

And Joss' dictum to make Buffy "look like Buffy but not like Sarah" actually makes sense with these. Although I'm not sure I'd recognize her as Buffy if you didn't tell me (and the same is true of Angel - I recognize them because of the context) whereas Willow and Xander are extremely recognizable. Jeanty totally muffed up Willow anyway but Leven's Willow is aces.


rbfvid December 27 2014, 21:28:05 UTC
Indeed, she does gread job with Willow and Spike (and with kittens))


kikimay December 18 2014, 19:56:28 UTC
Lovely art. I especially like the artist's take on Willow, but Buffy seems very good too. Spike bearing kittens could be the best thing ever happened in these comics.


rbfvid December 18 2014, 20:20:17 UTC
Frome these sketches (and art for other comics) I like her, than Rebbecah Isaacs. But, of course, everything could look totally different when the actual issue comes out...


(The comment has been removed)

rbfvid December 21 2014, 23:36:29 UTC
Yeah, there is definitely something...


double_dutchess December 21 2014, 23:27:50 UTC
I'm not a big fan of the art in those draft panels, but I do love the "other" art, so I remain optimistic.

And of course nothing is better than Spike carrying kittens.


rbfvid December 21 2014, 23:40:01 UTC
I don't even know, what it is - but a mere thought of Spike with a cat makes me melt. I guess it's the closest thing to hard shipping feelings that I can have =)


double_dutchess December 21 2014, 23:54:06 UTC
I'm with you 100%. Spike and cats are basically my two favourite things, so Spike + cats is just the perfect combination. (Of course, Spike is basically already a big cat all by himself.)


rbfvid December 22 2014, 02:26:22 UTC
I couldn't pinpoint it for a very long time, just the general feeling "but there is something in the way he moves". Until I finally watched "Lineage" where was that moment and it all became crystal clear - Spike Is A Cat!


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