Hey Man Nice Shot. (fic)

May 04, 2007 20:26

Title: Hey Man Nice Shot.
Author: Razycrandomgirl
Disclaimer: It's all Joss' fault. :-(
Characters: Mal, Zoe.
Rating: PG I guess. :\
Promtp: Shot for firefly100 300 words!
Notes: So, I got Filter on the brain and wrote this to the song "Hey Man Nice Shot". Un- beta'd so ... sorry about that. -smirk-

He found her in a corner, hurt, broken, bleeding. Her head lay against a wall as she clutched the wound in her side. She looked as though she were resting but her breathing came out harsh and labored. Crouching down next to her he reached out and ventured a touch; exposing the gun at his hip. She flinched away, her eyes expressing confusion. There was movement and recognition flickered in her eyes as he made contact.


Clear and sharp her eyes drifted over his right shoulder as the gun disappeared from his holster then suddenly reappeared in her unwavering hand. Mal had no time to react as she pointed the gun just past his head firing it in a deafening shout right by his ear. He flinched away from the sound, falling on his side then kicking the weapon from her hand. It landed in the dirt a few feet away and her wrist was caught beneath his boot. His face contorted into lines of confusion as he shifted some of his weight onto her wrist. He heard some of the bones give.

“What the hell was that? Have you gone crazy, corporal.”

She squirmed beneath the pressure and weakly pointed a gnarled finger at something beyond his line of site. There lay an Alliance soldier, the back of his head removed by a bullet before he got the chance to put one in Mal. He moved his foot immediately feeling horrible for doubting her. She grunted as she tried flexing her wrist, wincing at the pain.

“Sorry ‘bout that, didn’t know if you’d finally lost it.”

She glared at him as he retreved his gun and bent to tug at her shoulder.

“That was a nice shot, darlin’. Now let’s see if we can’t find you a medic.”

writing, fic, zoe, mal, drabbles, firefly

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