My M/M OTP: Nathan/Curtis I love how Curtis reacts to Nathan and how most times Nathan looks towards Curtis and tries to get a reaction out of him.
My F/F OTP: Alisha/Kelly but they need to hang out more on screen. Or Kelly/Nikki or Nikki/Lily
My endgame OTP: Simon/Alisha
My original OTP: For two seconds I might have shipped Alisha/Nathan, but then Nathan was like "I don't see me and her getting it on." Plus he was a huge goofball. Then Simon had his reaction to Alisha and in the next episode was lurking so hard after her when he was invisible. O_O okaaaay.
My crack OTP: Shaun/Nathan. ;)
My guilty pleasure OTP: Nathan/Alisha or Nikki/Nathan
My anti-OTP: Curtis/Alisha. When it happened I was like *eye roll* "when is this going to be over!?" it felt forced to me. They are better apart.
Re: Hello Sweetie!albion1919January 30 2011, 14:18:53 UTC
Oh Master/Martha, same! lol Rose :x
My main ship is Five/Tegan but I always think about the Doctor's wife. He had kids so it stands to reason he was married. Wonder what happened to her and why he never mentions her...
Sooo much love for Wash/Zoe! And I could've gotten on board Kaylee/Inara action. They really were so sweet together and I could see Kaylee having a girlcrush on Inara.
Comments 22
My M/M OTP: Nathan/Curtis I love how Curtis reacts to Nathan and how most times Nathan looks towards Curtis and tries to get a reaction out of him.
My F/F OTP: Alisha/Kelly but they need to hang out more on screen. Or Kelly/Nikki or Nikki/Lily
My endgame OTP: Simon/Alisha
My original OTP: For two seconds I might have shipped Alisha/Nathan, but then Nathan was like "I don't see me and her getting it on." Plus he was a huge goofball. Then Simon had his reaction to Alisha and in the next episode was lurking so hard after her when he was invisible. O_O okaaaay.
My crack OTP: Shaun/Nathan. ;)
My guilty pleasure OTP: Nathan/Alisha or Nikki/Nathan
My anti-OTP: Curtis/Alisha. When it happened I was like *eye roll* "when is this going to be over!?" it felt forced to me. They are better apart.
My M/F OTP: 10/Donna
My M/M OTP: 9/Jack
My F/F OTP: Donna/Martha! What little time they were together they were great!
My endgame OTP: 10/Donna I wish she never had to leave. But, but, but! I do love me some River Song. So Doctor/River!
My original OTP: 10/Martha? but then I saw how much it was hurting Martha and I didn't want it anymore
My crack OTP: 9/Martha or Little Amy Pond/11
My guilty pleasure OTP: Martha/Master, Rose/Death :x that's mean as hell. :X
My anti-OTP: anything after 9, go away Rose
My main ship is Five/Tegan but I always think about the Doctor's wife. He had kids so it stands to reason he was married. Wonder what happened to her and why he never mentions her...
Eleven is great with kids lol
My M/M OTP: Jayne/Wash I love their banter. I love how Wash confuses Jayne and Jayne tires to make Wash uncomfortable.
My F/F OTP: Kaylee/Inara they are so sweet together
My endgame OTP: Mal/Zoe Cause I think they will always be there for each other. And I bet they'll be the last ones left again.
My original OTP: Wash/Zoe I suppose. It was Canon and I was happy.
My crack OTP: Saffron/Wash it'd be like Peppy Le Phew and that cat. Wish Wash being the cat. ;)
My guilty pleasure OTP: I don't have one. I guess it could be my crack ship.
My anti-OTP: River/Anyone
My M/M OTP: Stefan/Damon or Mason/Tyler
My F/F OTP: Bonnie/Shelia or Pearl/Anna FIERCE! But if I can't have that then Bonnie/Caroline(Elena but don't make it all about you, hon')
My endgame OTP: Stefan/Elena
My original OTP: Bonnie/Damon
My crack OTP: Bonnie/Tyler
My guilty pleasure OTP: Damon/Death hehe Ben/Bonnie
My anti-OTP: Damon/Elena
My M/M OTP: Talbot/Russel Jesus/Lafayette
My F/F OTP: Pam/Jessica
My endgame OTP: Pam/Eric
My original OTP: Jason/Tara
My crack OTP: Andy/Jason
My guilty pleasure OTP: Lettie Mae/Tara Mae
My anti-OTP: Bill/Sookie
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