What Comes is Better Than What Came Before (fic)

Jan 07, 2011 22:00

Title: What Comes is Better Than What Came Before

Fandom: Misfits

Rating: R

Word Count: 625

Characters/Pairings: Simon/Alisha

Disclaimer: Don’t own.

Spoilers/Time Line: 207

Summery: The more you try to erase me the more that I appear.
Author’s Notes: commentfic free-for-all. For goddess09807 who asked for the story I wanted to write. unbeta'd R+R concrit welcomed

And it's doing me in ... )

misfits!, gift!fic, fic, smut

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Comments 23

bellonablack January 8 2011, 03:51:57 UTC
This was brilliant. :) Just enough creep with some very strong desparation. I love it, it was sensual and realistic.


razycrandomgirl January 8 2011, 03:54:02 UTC
You are too kind my love. so the rating is just right then?


bellonablack January 8 2011, 03:56:40 UTC
I'd say, I think so at least. :)


razycrandomgirl January 8 2011, 04:01:39 UTC
I trust you. ;)


canuckgirl33 January 8 2011, 04:03:56 UTC
Oh sigh... you guys are so good


razycrandomgirl January 8 2011, 04:10:13 UTC
Really? Teehee Thank you!


goddess09807 January 8 2011, 04:16:11 UTC

That was so hot and good and hot and yes. Thank you so much for fulfilling my prompt. This was excellent. Darling, you made Simon make Alisha beg. I just. I can't.

I'll be in my bunk.


razycrandomgirl January 8 2011, 04:29:48 UTC
Thank you for the prompt. I've been eying this since I first saw it. Been wanting to write something like this and it was just the kick I needed.

Oh I love begging! GUH :D


stainofmylove January 8 2011, 04:17:17 UTC
This is very sexy, and a little dangerous. Like, his feelings are so intense--and I'm not sure if Alisha's even totally aware ... so it's scary. But still really sensual and dark and yeah ... liked this a lot. This pairing really needs more fic that's on the darker end of the spectrum.


razycrandomgirl January 8 2011, 04:31:34 UTC
I totally want to write some uneven S1 Simon/Alisha fic. O_O

Thank you so much for the prompt meme.

Now I can read some since I've finally contributed. \o/


stainofmylove January 8 2011, 04:34:58 UTC
Do it. And feel free to prompt things for that theme at my meme ... 'cause I'd totally make that happen for ya, lol.

So glad everyone's enjoying the meme! So much response (and sooo much Alisha/Simon) = AMAZING. Read away, there's some GREAT stuff.


razycrandomgirl January 8 2011, 05:10:27 UTC
I'm going through the list again; Picking and Choosing.

Simon/Alisha \o/

What's something you would have liked to see if 203 and beyond never existed?


(The comment has been removed)

razycrandomgirl January 8 2011, 18:01:05 UTC
:D Thank you! squeee That you for this awesome comment! and for commenting at all.

I'm feeling very proud of myself right now. SHAME!


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