Title: Caridad the Vampire Slayer.
Fandom: BtVS
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1522
Characters/Pairings: Caridad (mentions of several characters)
Disclaimer: Don’t own.
Spoilers/Time Line: None really, After series
Summery: The Adventures of Caridad the Vampire Slayer
Author’s Notes: Co-authored with the BRILLIANT
entwashian !!! (she wrote all the awesome bits)
Caridad gripped the icicle in her hand; it was freezing and made her hand ache. She hated the cold. The demon rushed at her with hot breath rising up into the crisp air. It sped up as it neared her, but was clumsier in the cold and she was more than ready for it. She quickly side stepped it, sending it sliding into a particularly thorny batch of snow encrusted holly bushes. The demon screeched in what she imagined was frustration.
The sight of it writhing on the ground all tangled up in the bushes made her giggle and she looked back at her partner, giving her the thumbs up before she remembered why she was out here fighting in the hellish weather.
“Check this out, Vi!” She said over her shoulder as she adjusted the ice in her hands. “Who am I? Who am I?” She kicked off into the air and let out a mighty roar.
“THIS ONE’S FOR YOU, MORPH!” She yelled as she brought the icicle down hard, piercing the demon’s skull. It let out another weaker cry before finally melting away in the snow.
She turned around and gave a little dance and then made a curtsy to the other woman. Violet shook her head looking more than a little amused.
“Isn’t that from the X-Men?” She asked
“Don’t be a nerd, Vi.” Caridad replied with a coy smile.
“It’s called parkour,” Caridad said. “You’re gonna love it.”
Kennedy raised an eyebrow. “Never heard of it.” She sounded unimpressed.
Caridad couldn’t blame her; all Kennedy was seeing was a group of teenage boys goofing off in a little side street -- some of them even had battered skateboards. But she’d learn.
“Hey, Gabriel!” Caridad called. One of the older boys turned to look at her and smiled. “This is my friend Kennedy. She’d like to see a little demonstration.”
Kennedy grumbled something under her breath. Caridad chose not to hear.
“Sure thing, Cari,” Gabriel said. Then he ran full tilt at the wall, looking like he was going to smash into it for sure, except then he was using it to kick off and grabbing the ground level of a first floor balcony. He swung himself up onto the balcony and climbed on top of the railing, all in the space of a few seconds.
“What the hell is he doing?” Kennedy demanded as Gabriel perched precariously on the thin railing.
“Going to the roof, I imagine,” Caridad said as Gabriel hurled himself off the balcony on one side of the street. He caught the floor of a second-story balcony on the other side of the street. Climbing up onto the railing of the second balcony, Gabriel turned again, and leapt for a third-story balcony across the street.
Caridad studied Kennedy’s face out of the corner of her eye for a moment, then laughed, taking off at a dead run for the same patch of wall from which Gabriel had launched himself. She barely felt the impact of the wall beneath her foot before she had her hands on the cold cement floor of the balcony and was pulling herself up.
The railing was old, and wobbled slightly underneath her weight. Caridad judged the distance to the second balcony. Heart pounding, she leapt into the air. Gabriel had a head start, so she’d have to hurry a little if she wanted to beat him to the top.
“Caridad, what are you doing?”
“Hey Rona, I’m working on my knots! Why, what’s it look like?”
“It looks like you pissed someone off.”
“Nah, I asked them to do this for me.”
“You asked someone to tie you up? Are you high?”
“Are you high?” Caridad mocked as she tugged against the binding on her wrist. She looked like she was stuck, and that made Rona smile.
“Here let me help.” Rona said as she picked up a discarded scarf next to Caridad’s feet. “To get the true experience of being tied up, everyone knows one must be gagged.”
The Gwarth had long fangs and long spikes on its forearms.
It also had a terrified look on its face as it ran from a pack of men on motorcycles.
It wouldn’t concern Caridad so much, except she’d just received an e-mail from Dawn with a research packet detailing the local history.
Despite their scary appearance, Gwarth demons were vegetarians. They used the fangs and the spikes to peel bark off trees, their primary food source. A settlement of Gwarth had been living quite peacefully in New Salem for centuries.
Thank God for internet cafés.
The warehouse had been cleared out, and someone had stacked a bunch of surplus wooden palettes in the back alley. Caridad picked one up and ran toward the corner of the warehouse.
She waited for the first four bikers to zip by, then stepped out just before the fifth, swinging the palette up in a horizontal arc, knocking the biker hard across the width of his chest. He was unseated.
Not bothering to divest him of his helmet, Caridad stole his ride. It was a hog, not a street bike, built for cruising and not for speed. Nevertheless, her hair whipped around as she gunned the engine, occasionally stinging in her eyes.
Bloodthirsty and mindless, the other bikers didn’t even notice their buddy go missing. Like amateurs, they stuck close to the path the Gwarth took, following it directly.
Caridad, who had a good deal more training and discipline on her side, turned off through the alley, and maneuvered around 2 more outer buildings before turning back toward the chase.
The Gwarth saw her coming and started to run the other way, but Caridad quickly caught up to it. She held out an arm, and the Gwarth cringed and threw up its hands in a protective gesture, stopping suddenly.
“Get on!” Caridad screamed, struggling to bring the motorcycle to a stop next to the Gwarth and not on top of it.
The Gwarth dropped its hands, but hesitated, and Caridad took the opportunity to seize it around the waist and sling it onto the back of the motorcycle.
The first of the remaining four motorcycles came skidding around the corner, but Caridad, the Gwarth, and the bike were already gone.
Caridad’s favorite weapon to work were bullwhips. She liked the feel of them in her hands. She liked how neat they were, how compact. When you were finished with it, you just coiled it back up, wrapping it over and over itself until it rested nicely at your hip.
She liked the sound it made, the quickness in the movement it took to guide the fall and make the cracker sing. She knew all sorts of tricks, and she liked to practice.
The other slayers found her cracking techniques interesting … at first. They had see what she could do. They watched one night as she flicked her wrist to command the thong around a vamp’s neck just before jerking it back to rip its head clean off. The body stood there for a moment, posed as a question, before finally exploding into dust.
After the shine of her skills wore off with the other slayers, she was quickly banished to the farthest regions of the perimeter to keep an eye out.
There were noises coming from the other side of the door; screams and howls. The sound of them vibrated up Caridad’s spine, and goose flesh washed over her skin. The screaming never stopped.
We’ll take care of her here. She heard Willow say to the others, but it sounded like an excuse. She needs to be with others like herself. Were there people like her? Caridad didn’t think so. Otherwise her screams wouldn’t be such a lonely thing.
Caridad’s teeth chattered. ‘This doesn’t feel right,’ she thought. ‘Not at all. Maybe it would have been better if they’d just left the girl with that vampire in L.A.’
She didn’t have time to stop and think why the demon had been so eager to devour this particular bus full of tourists.
At least, not until the big, ugly thing’s head sat on one side of the bus, and its body on the other.
Caridad was impressed at the thoughtfulness of the bus driver, who had turned on the windshield wipers to clean away some of the beast’s foul black arterial spray.
She was panting quite heavily with exertion when the first passenger evacuated the bus, so she thought at first that she might have been suffering from oxygen deprivation.
Sweet-looking, middle-aged lady wearing a long skirt and sensible shoes, who had her hair tucked neatly back under a veil. She was followed by another. And she was followed by another. And another, and another.
Big black thing wanting to eat a bus full of nuns. Caridad would’ve killed the thing twice in order to have been able to see Mr. Giles’ face when she’d delivered that report.
“My heavens,” the last one off the bus had said, adjusting her spectacles as she examined the beheaded corpse. “Not again.”