The Cracks In This Fine Social Scene (fic)

Dec 04, 2010 12:37

Title: The Cracks In This Fine Social Scene

Fandom: Misfits

Rating: PG13 for language

Word Count: 549

Characters/Pairings: Simon/Alisha, Nathan

Disclaimer: Don’t own.

Spoilers/Time Line: 204

Summery: weirdest. date night. EVER/ Mixtape (sorta)
Author’s Notes: Thanks to albion1919  who beta'd and is brilliant (though all mistakes are mine). for stainofmylove ;) I accidentally ( Read more... )

misfits!, gift!fic, fic

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Comments 50

flwrpwr_vampyre December 4 2010, 17:51:50 UTC
*cracks up* I love our headcanon for Nathan.

Also I kind of want a threesome with them now. It would be glorious.

This is totally adorable. Fantastic job!


razycrandomgirl December 4 2010, 18:01:18 UTC
he is like that. :P If it seems like I hate him I don't.

If Nathan was just being a creepy lurker ...

Nathan and Alisha as a couple would be frightening. They'd be so mean!

Thank you! *hugs*


flwrpwr_vampyre December 7 2010, 04:43:04 UTC
I'm glad you don't hate him. The very thought makes me sad.

*giggles* Did you see how the group laughed at Nathan being not!funny at the new guy in the last ep. They were totally just backing him up because he's a part of the group. I may have glowed a little at the screen.

Frightening but epic! Also sexy.


razycrandomgirl December 7 2010, 04:45:50 UTC
Hello icon!

you mean when he did that long awkward groan? what a dick. I was amused though. :X

they would be mean as fuck. I don't imagine them lasting long. He'd have to be really good in bed and I don't see it.


femmenoire December 4 2010, 17:57:11 UTC
OMG, you've got Nathan 100% done. So funny...


razycrandomgirl December 4 2010, 17:58:21 UTC
thank you! He's such an asshole.


femmenoire December 4 2010, 18:31:21 UTC
The best kind of asshole.. I guess. ;)


razycrandomgirl December 5 2010, 01:26:12 UTC
Well he could be a dick like Dean Winchester so it could be worse.


bellonablack December 4 2010, 18:27:53 UTC

I was thinking about them the other night. Love will tear us apart--yet again. not really the title but you know.

I think it's cute that she likes the spewage. It is actually more...honesty than the romantic stuff that are kind of...:/

Soooo I think this makes a really good case for the pairing!!


razycrandomgirl December 4 2010, 18:38:24 UTC
yeah, Simon is kinda based on Ian Curtis. ;)

why didn't I name this after one of their songs! *face palm*

you're so sweet. thank you! oxoxoxox :D


bellonablack December 4 2010, 19:02:20 UTC
I need to listen to more Joy Division songs. They were brilliant, and I know so little. I like that era of music. (and really? XD)

I like the name, it's perfect for it.


stainofmylove December 4 2010, 18:31:30 UTC
*clappy hands!* Not gonna lie, when I saw you filled this prompt I literally squealed aloud with glee, lol. Thank you so much for this--it is fucking hilarious and sweet. I love these three ... I hope we get stuff like this on the show someday.


razycrandomgirl December 4 2010, 18:35:10 UTC
you squeed! over me! *flails*

I fook'n luv yaw!

What scene is that in your icon?

I hope we get it on Thursday!


stainofmylove December 4 2010, 18:45:13 UTC

I believe that icon is a cap from the 2x02 ep where they're all in that club, before they get high and things for haywire.



razycrandomgirl December 4 2010, 19:32:07 UTC
I need superhoodie icon.

Got The Walking Dead to look forward too? Yeah? something to tide you over.


jacobella41 December 4 2010, 19:05:29 UTC
nao yoor writing it too! heavens! how am i supposed to get stuff done?!


razycrandomgirl December 4 2010, 19:12:40 UTC
I'm sorry! :X The prompts were too good!


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