Red Flags & White Cotton (fic)

Feb 10, 2010 20:48

Title: Red Flags & White Cotton

Fandom: Heroes

Rating: R (sexy stuff...)

Word Count: 647

Characters/Pairings: Gabriel/Maya

Disclaimer: Don’t own.

Spoilers/Time Line: AU

Summery: Growing attraction that happens just beyond the church walls.

Author’s Notes: Story inspired by bellonablack 's Taboo

PROMPT TABLES Un_love_you prompt # 16 "I want to break you." 100heroesfics prompt # 19 "White"

He just wanted to lie down with her/next to her in the grass, holding hands. That's all, but she wouldn't let him.

He touched her gloved hand and wished that she'd take it off. It was itchy against his sweaty palm. She was making him sweat.

Him, and his too tight little man's suit. The bow tie that choked him and everything seemed smaller, seemed to shrink when he laid down in the dewy grass with her. Each dirtying their Sunday's Best in the graveyard beyond the church.

He held her hand and every year his grip got a little tighter.

He started to kiss her. He liked kissing her and holding her and touching her. He liked the sounds she made when his tongue was inside of her mouth. He liked the way she felt against his swollen lips. It was better than praying. A new kind of confession.

She would always be the one to pull away first, to take a breath, to whisper against his ear. His hands were on fire and her skin felt like a still cooling body of water. He was burning up for her.


"Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence:
y asimismo la mujer con el marido
The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband:
y tampoco tiene el marido no poder de su propio cuerpo, sino la mujer." 1

It started with fingertips on her naked knee cap (she no longer wore little girl's pantyhose) caressing the bone and tickling the shell beneath her so soft skin. She would cross her legs to feel him, to stop him, to warm herself against him.

His fingers would curl, shifting away the barrier of her dress. The cloth tickled her skin and her hand would come down to push his away. He resist, mouth moving steadily, going deeper, wanting/wanting to be inside. warm inside ...

He would kiss her.

She liked it when he did, but she was a nice girl and pushed his hand away when it felt too nice.

She was a good girl and she felt amazing when he put his hand between her legs. She pushed him down beneath her own, taking his mouth like he had taken hers, softly, deeply. She rubbed her body against his and felt him sigh and shake and rise. He lifted her dress and she pushed his hand away.

"Solo el besos."2

How could she say that when he felt the way her hips bucked against him. When he felt her through the cotton. So many needless layers. He reached for her.

They tangled up in each other, making a strange war dance with their bodies. It was a struggle, but he was stronger than her and she let him be. He pushed his hand up beneath her dress. Her nails dug into his forearm; a challenge, a want. His shirt was soaked with rain water and her skin was downed in the feel of his tongue (making everything a bit easier).

He kissed her and she felt his fingers pushing against the moist cotton that covered her. She ran her naked leg along his clothed one. The wool of his dress pants scratched against her inner thighs. He pressed his body into hers, holding her tight, then, fingers curling, pushed beyond the cotton.

His lips brushed over the corners of her mouth, but she turned away, squeezing her legs against him. The soft shadow on his face scratched at her cheeks, smearing her lipstick. He pushed deeper, watching the change in her eyes, and felt her fingernails bite into his skin.

"Basta, Gabriel." 3

"It never is."

1"Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence:
and likewise also the wife unto the husband.
The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband:
and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. Corinthians 7: 3-4
2 Only kisses
3 Enough Gabriel

fic, un_love_you, holidays, heroes, 100 maya stories!, maya herrera, gabriel gray, maybriel

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