Modern Moonlighting

Oct 29, 2009 12:21

Title: Modern Moonlighting

Fandom: Heroes

Rating: PG13

Word Count: 768

Characters/Pairings: Adam, Monica

Disclaimer: Don’t own.

Spoilers/Time Line: none AU

Summery: They're on a road trip. Why? IDK.

Author’s Notes: This is hella random. For the heroes_contest prompt 19. unbeta'd

“You, know, I’m just not feeling the love, here." Adam spake as the sky opened up.

"Will you piss off? I'm trying to work." Monica said as she laid under the car, tinkering with it's insides. Adam stood to the side staring down at her.

"Alright then, I've got an idea, why don't you let me fix it and then you can lie underneath me instead." The rain was coming down harder now. She pulled herself out from beneath the car and tried to peer up at him through the fat drops. He shrugged and adjusted his unneeded sunglasses. Always trying for cool, she thought with a frown.

"I fixed it already, you asshole, but if you still wanna lay under it, I can drive over you a couple of times."

"Oooh! Like it rough now, do we? You little minx!"

"Just get your pale ass in the car before I do decide hitting you with it is a good idea."


"We need the money, Monica."

"So why don't you just go rob somebody!"

"Oh oh! What happened to that moral high road you've been strolling on this entire time?"

"It went away when you decided it'd be a good idea for me to take my clothes off and dance for money."

"It's just a little stripping. It's won't kill you. And if does I'll bring ya back!"

"Well, if is so damn easy then why don't you do it?"

"Because I'm not the one with the muscle memory ability and besides ... I don't have the legs for it."

"I think there are some paying customers out there who would beg to differ." She said peeking out from behind the curtain, trying her best to continue ignoring his suggestions. "Here just - just drink a lot of alcohol! And think about all the money we'll make."

"What are you my pimp now? And alcohol won't work on me, Sweets. I can't get drunk."

"Then I'll get drunk enough for the both of us. Go on, get out there! Just take the bull by the horns!" she said with a stomp of her foot.

"If you say so." Adam reached his hand out and cupped Monica's left breast. Her mouth frowned in that way he found adorable. Then he felt his fingers being wrenched from their sockets and broken at the joints. Before he could recover she shoved him though the curtain. The lights nearly blinded him and the screaming crowd was deafening.

"Everyone, please welcome to he stage ... Blond Death!"

"Blond Death ...?" He said as he toss her back a look just before she flipped him the bird and closed the curtain.


"I have a headache."

"You have a headache!? I'm the one out there dancing my ass off!"

"Shut up, your making it worse."

"Well, you can stop bringing it up because I'm not going to have sex with you."

"What the hell does that have to do with anything?"

"You know how women are always trying to avoid having sex by using that same old excuse."

"I have a head ache, Adam."

"Yes that one! Well done and no thank you. I[m still cross at you and won't be asking for at least a week."

" ... Fuck you, Adam ..." Monica moaned rubbing her temples.

"So now you want to have sex with me? God woman make up your mind!" Adam decided to give Monica a break and took the wheel while she got back her sea legs. She really was stubborn. It was a foolproof plan, her up onstage raking it in and him drinking anyone who was up for it under the table. Foolproof, until she switched the rolls. Some gas about woman's lib threw all the logic out of her brain. Or maybe she just had a severe case of stage fright. He chuckled and felt her gaze upon him.

"What are you giggling about, Blondie." He ignored her taunts and replied with in song, because he knew how much she loved it.

"We're in the money! We're in the money! You know, I really think I made a difference in the lives of quite a few of those women, back there. I may gain saint status for this one." he winked.

"And some of the men. It was a lap dance, Adam, not charity work. I still say you should have just robbed someone. Would have been quicker."

"Aww that's sweet, you being jealous of them."

"Please don't make me vomit." She said, pressing her forehead against the diner glass as the rain tapped on against the window.

fic, heroes, prompts

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