Runs in the Family (fic)

Oct 17, 2009 17:10

Title: Runs in the Family

Fandom: Heroes

Rating: G

Word Count: 415

Characters/Pairings: Meredith & Flint Gordon

Disclaimer: Don’t own.

Spoilers/Time Line: Vol. 3 (I guess)

Summery: Family flashback with the 'Fire-starters' Gordons

Author’s Notes: heroes_contest prompt 18

There are lots of things to do with corn.

You can boil it on the cob, scrap it of the cob to make soups and garnishing, or my personal favorite, make hot grits.

But Flint always liked his corn popped.


"More butter, Mere-mere! Moooore butter!" He jumped up and down in his red and blue footy pajamas.

"Hobble it down, Flint. We can't us it all on your popcorn!" Meredith said, pushing her brother back from the flame.

"Why do I hear yelling?"

"Sorry Mama!" They yelled in unison and Meredith look glared down at her brother.

"Are you trying to getting us in trouble? I don't know about you but I ain't itching to get my hide tanned tonight!" She said in a harsh whisper, adding a firm smack to his shoulder just for good measure. "Now just pipe down about the butter!"

Flints face dissolved into an over dramatic frown and his eyes grew glassy as his bottom lip trembled.

"Or don't you start that up, or will both get it for sure. Why don't you go make yourself useful and go in the cupboard to get the salt."

His eyes lit up and as he ran at full force, stopping short to slide across the linoleum floor. His growing blond hair flopping about his face. As he pulled the chair up to the counter, beginning his journey to procure the salt on the top self. Meredith reached under the pot of oiled corn kernels, turned on the gas. She glanced over her shoulder once to check on her brother -who was still gainfully preoccupied- before turning back to the stove and produced a small flame that ignited the gas.

"You better hurry with that salt, Little Brother." She said with a secret smile as the first kernels exploded with exuberance.

"How come you always get to make the popcorn?" He cried hopping down of the chair, salt in hand.

"Cause I'm the only one who knows how to work the stove, Little Brother." She winked at him. "You would just end up burning the house down."

He pouted this time. Then stuck his tongue out at her. "Sure wish we could have some more butter though ..."

"Tell you what, check and see if we've got anymore Tabasco sauce?"

"Awww not that again! Your face is gonna burn off the way you drink that stuff." Flint whined.

"Maybe ..." Meredith said wiggling her fingers gingerly as the kettle began to fill with popcorn.

fic, drabbles, heroes, prompts

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