Mightier Than the Sword (fic)

Aug 13, 2009 01:40

Title: Mightier Than the Sword

Fandom: Heroes

Rating: PG13 (language)

Word Count: 893

Characters/Pairings: Maya/Sylar

Disclaimer: Don’t own. Kring can have it.

Spoilers/Time Line: up to "The Eclipse" (i guess)

Summery: She refuses his gift

Author’s Notes: For
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fic, un_love_you, heroes, 100 maya stories!, gift!fic, maya herrera, sylar, saya, crack!fic

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Comments 32

bellonablack August 13 2009, 06:11:50 UTC
HEHE !!!!

'CITY MORGUE' Oh my god. I actually think this was very, very Sylar because really he's like 'playing' a game like a kid and being very DRAMATIC ABOUT IT. I think that's definitely one of his defining traits and you brought this out well.

I like his twisted thinking too, like thinking Maya should at least take time to gloat!!!
I like his reaction to her 'loss' of powers, acting like it's a betrayal.

And I do like that she kicked him around and that it hurt.

:-) Go her!!!!

Great job! :-)


I forgot to fix the tense before I posted. :( razycrandomgirl August 13 2009, 19:52:44 UTC
That happened on my driving trip. My mom called to see where were and my pops answered the phone that way.

Sylar is super dramatica! Aww you would saw that. Though I will say you've influanced this version of him out of me.

Cause he would. Gosh and everyone should be as great as him. By Maya's more about action then Sylar is. Maybe that's why her power is the way it is. *shrugs*

Oh Sylar, not everything is about you! :p

I really liked it in your story where she hits him and he's like "That fucking hurt!" I always loved that. It stuck as you can see. kinda stole it I guess.



kay_747 August 13 2009, 06:19:25 UTC
I LOVE the Say Anything references!


razycrandomgirl August 13 2009, 19:53:28 UTC
I only saw it for the first time a month ago. Now it's on like everyday.


kay_747 August 13 2009, 20:05:44 UTC
Also, I sent you the pics. Hope you got them?


razycrandomgirl August 13 2009, 20:07:56 UTC
I'm at the library now, but I'll let you know when I get home. Thanks! xoxo *can't wait dance*


gimmemypickle August 13 2009, 06:41:34 UTC

Perfection, thy name is 'Mightier Than the Sword'. *flail*


razycrandomgirl August 13 2009, 19:54:24 UTC
:-X >_> if you say so. But you would/did and so xoxoxoxox!



eternal_moonie August 13 2009, 08:05:46 UTC
Wow, I totally love it!!!


razycrandomgirl August 13 2009, 19:54:55 UTC
:D thanks for saying. :D


albion1919 August 13 2009, 09:46:51 UTC
LOL this was hilarious!!

"Mooom!" And I really didn't mean for it to come out that way

LOL! THat reminds me of Wendy & Lisa: Mooooomyyy?

YES, GO MAYA!! I knew that pen would end up in his back :P


razycrandomgirl August 13 2009, 19:58:37 UTC
:D phew! I'm glad you liked it. :D

I can just see him whining like a little kid. Angie's got a tight one on him, but he manages to slip away to stalk his ex's.

He loved that he got a new mommy (to replace the old one). :-\

Maybe more to come. It might have been a better idea if she just kept the pen. :X


albion1919 August 13 2009, 20:08:20 UTC
It was great! I love your crack fic!

lol Angie probably saw this coming months before it happened, so she knew just when to call ;)

He's looking for a mummy figure, he's anaclitic. (Maya is to I think)

YESSSSSSSSSSSS!! Oh but he should give the pen back, Maya made the right choice becuase I want mooore! XD


razycrandomgirl August 13 2009, 20:12:52 UTC
:D that makes me smile! :D Thanks Tammy! *hugs*

Good point. She knew just when to reign it in. ;D

*writes down word to look up later*

:D Then you shall have it! *gets to writing* :D:D:D:D:D:D:D \o/


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