Outed (fic)

Jul 04, 2009 01:39

Author: Razycrandomgirl

Title: Outed

Fandom: Heroes

Rating: PG

Word Count: 1077

Characters/Pairings: Sylar, Maya/Mohinder, Claire

Disclaimer: Don’t own. Kring can have it.

Spoilers/Time Line: After Powerless AU

Summery: Talk Show Radio is bad for the brain.

Author’s Notes: For Bell (who kinda asked for it and gave me the idea) and Tammy Angry Maya FTW). heroes15  prompt #2 "Fear" unbeta'd

"The identity of the brain eating serial killer has just been reviled to be Gabriel Gray; a watch maker out of Queens, New York. We're asking you to call in with you reactions to this news. Who is Gabriel Gray? How and why did he come to be such a crazy brain eater? Too many zombie movies? Did his daddy leave him when he was a little boy? Did his mommy touch him? Vise-versa? Call in now with your thoughts."

Sylar sat agape in the car he had just stolen from the 'picture perfect' family who'd been eating breakfast in a dinner he'd just vacated. They're dog was still in the backseat sleeping away the beginning of the day. When he say that his former owners were no where to be found he yawned lazily and laid his head back down on his paws.

Lucky for everyone Sylar had been diving in the middle of no where when the news broke about his idenity. The dog which he'd cleverly named "Dog" ("Martin", for short) lifted his head indignantly before wagging his tail a bit and slipping back into the seat.

A voice Sylar hadn't recognized, even with Charlie's power, rose to his ears.

Caller #1: "I knew that dude wasn't right. He as too quiet, always cooped up in his apartment or ratty ass watch shop. He dressed like a weirdo. Fake ass Clark Kent, is what he was. Now instead of saving lives, he's out there killing people for their brains? I knew he was ing weird!

The talk show host replied. "Okay lets keep it clean here folks. This is a family show!. Next caller as a bit of a different perspective."

Caller #2 "Well, I don't know him but I wanted to say to everyone out there talking shit about him needs to chill the hell out and get a ing life. he's just doing his thing and sometimes the herd needs to be thinned a little, you know. To make space."

Talk Show Host: What if he came after you or someone you loved? What then?

Caller #2: He aint coming after nothing if he knows what's good for him! Hey man don't try to hype me up on the air. That aint cool. He aint thinking about me and mine anyway. The Brain Eater's the man! It's too bad those embarrassing ass pictures had to come out from when he was a punk. Damn! To who ever leaked those nerdy ass pictures ... that was cold.

Talk Show Host: Well thank you teddy for your refreshing take on the subject. On to our next caller.

Sylar patted his hands one the chair next to him and Dog moved his head in a curious motion before bouncing to the front seat. Sylar rested his hand on the dog's head and began stoking it absently.
Caller #3: Uh hi.

Sylar's ears perked up.

Talk Show Host: What's your name?

Caller #3: Uh ... Bear?

Talk Show Host: Okay Bear what's you story?

Caller #3: Well I actually survived a visit from the Brain Eater.

Talk Show Host: Yeah sure how'd you do that when he eats the brain's of his victims.

Caller #3: He doesn't eat them ... at least that's what he told me.

Talk Show Host: So you two were just siting around having tea then?

Caller #3: Not exactly.

Talk Show Host: Then what, exactly?

Caller #3: He had his fingers in my brains.

Talk Show Host: Next Caller!

Caller #4: Yeah, I knew the son of a bitch!

Talk Show Host: Is that right? You knew the Brain Eater?

Caller #4: Well, he wasn't calling himself that when I met him but, yes. Tonto el culo!

Talk Show Host: So I take it, you're not a fan?

Caller #4: HELL NO!

Talk Show Host: Sheesh! Mind telling everyone what happened?

Caller #4: Well, without getting into too much detail, he me!

Talk Show Host: Language please. So your saying you had sex with him?

Caller #4: That's none of your business!

Talk Show Host: And that's not a 'no' either.

Caller #4: "What I'm saying is if I ever see him again, it will be the last time anyone does. You hear me you sucio hijo de puta!

Man's voice: Maya what are you doing? I'm sorry, who is this?

Talk Show Host: This is New York Now, Talk Show getting your reaction to the true identity of the Brain Eater. As reviled this morning by-.

Man's Voice: Who?

Caller #4: Give me back the phone Mohinder!

Man's voice: I'm sorry for the confusion, but we know of no such man.

Talk Show Host: Okay either that guy is living under a rock, or he doesn't like to hear his girlfriend talk about the other man. If my girlfriend had made it with a Brain Eater, I wouldn't want to know about it either. Well, we'll be back with more of your reactions to 'The Brain Eater's identity reviled', after a few words from our sponsors."

Sylar flinched as the car radio was telepathically ripped out of the car and catapulted though the air. He looked at the hole he just created. His mouth curled in affront as he actually pouted. Dog looked up at him and whined, licking his chops.

"Don't listen to them, Dog. They're all just sore cause I left them. They weren't special enough. None of them." He rubbed Dogs head vigorously and Dog's eyes closed in satisfaction.

"That's okay. I don't need any of them to make the world a better place." His mood soured as he thought of all the things the world must think of him. That and the fact that his old pictures were plastered all over the news ... He grimaced and thought, 'God, Junior Prom ...?'

He started the car up again and was a little annoyed he'd just ripped out the radio, but comforted by that fact that there was nothing worth listing to on it anyway.

"Come Dog lets get you something to eat. You hungry?" Dog's tail thumped happily and he barked. They traveled on in comparable silence with Dog staring at Sylar. Sylar -feeling uncomfortable- looked sideways at Dog and said:

"And I don't eat them."

fic, heroes, prompts, gift!fic, sylar, maya herrera, gabriel gray, heroes15, crack!fic

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