And On My Death Bed, I Confess ... (Fic)

Dec 17, 2008 22:30

Author: Razycrandomgirl

Title: And On My Death Bed, I Confess...

Fandom: Heroes

Rating: PG-13

Characters/Pairings: Elle, Sylar

Disclaimer: Don’t own them, just like to play with them sometimes.

Spoilers/Time Line: Vol.3 The Eclipse, Part 2

Summery:  Elle got the last laugh.

Author’s Notes: prompt # 8 'Pain' for my Sylar prompt table. This fics for you, Elle lovers (and/or people who don't mind Elle)! Warning unbeta'd read (& review) at your own risk. OMG please review! *sobs*

She was distracted by the sound of the waves and the salty air felt good on her skin. Her leg hurt like a bitch but didn't mater, it would all be over soon. One way or other. He sat her down and she was grateful. She wondered what kind of painkillers she might get when she finally got home. When they let her back in. Home: the long cold hallways, the doctors, the cells, the tests. Well, maybe not the tests so much. she was lost in thought when he brought his hand to her face and flinched away from him. His face scowled and she bit her cheek to keep from smiling.

When she did smile at him it was a different kind of smile. And let him touch her, let him kiss her and push her back into the sand. Why not she enjoyed it, he was at the very least was a good kisser. And when he pulled away from her and looked into her eyes, speaking softly, she got really, very tired. She felt his hand squeeze her fingers. Too hard.

"You were wrong, nobody ever really changes." He said.

She let out a sigh and shrugged her shoulders. "Ya got me."

Sylar blinked, leaning away from her. "What?"

"You finally got a clue, did you? Jeez! It sure took you long enough." She rolled her eyes and tried to sit up. She was almost successful before Sylar remembered himself and pushed her back down.

"Elle what are you doing?"

"This would have worked out a lot better if you talked less and made out more, but no." She changed her voice to a high whiny tone that scrapped against both their ears. "'I figured you out! I have to figure everything out!' You know, for a guy who wants to know everything, it sure seems to take you a long ass time to figure things out for yourself. we have to feed it to you because your still such a child!" She giggled.

Sylar pushed back from Elle with a horrified look on his face and Elle smiled up at him. She leaned up on her elbows, expression on her face as pretty as you please, and rubbed her hand down the shirt she wore. "It wasn't all bad Gabriel, but I could help you improve on your technique." Her eyes lowered suggestively, grin slashing across her face.

Sylar felt his heart rot and fall into his stomach with a heavy smack. "Elle, I thought ..."

"No, you didn't. You knew. You knew the whole time. What did you expect? You killed my father. You took that away from me and I never forgot that! You are not "God's Gift" Her belly began to jump with laughter and her eyes glowed with anticipation. "Don't tell me I got to you? That would take the fucking cake!" She threw her head back and laughed until he stopped her.

"This whole time you ..."

"Bennet jumped the gun." Her voice wasn't as harsh to him with his hand on her throat, but she kept her smile. "He's really into self-preservation. Bastard. We were so close."

She watch his eyes shine in the twilight then rubbed her neck when he let her go. He rocked to his feet and stood with his back to her

"Does it hurt?" she started a giggle that turned into a coughing fit and watched his shoulders rise to ears.

"Shut up!" he growled and the pain in his voice made her smile. This is the bestest day ever!

"You wanted the truth and I gave it too you. So, now what?" he swallowed hard and pointed his fingers. Elle laid back, more hearing the ripping of her skull then feeling it. Her mouth quirked again in spite of its self.

"Then I'll see you in hell, Gabriel."

Elle Bishop died with a laugh in her throat.

gift!fic, fic, elle bishop, sylar, heroes15, heroes, prompts

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