2005 - The Singularity (Orion's Arm, Accelerando, Lady of Mazes and more)
2004 - Magic vs. Technology (no specific examples)
2003 - Mortals dedicated to the deaths of specific immortals (Higa, Blade of the Immortal)
2002 - Immortal characters and scarily competent mortals
It seems that each year, I go off on a new kick. Some trope of fiction grips me utterly to the exclusion of all else until I can assimilate it into my baseline mental/critical processes. I've been Kick-free for several months now.
I knew it couldn't last.
Thanks to John Stone circa Planetary #25, Henry Bendix circa The Authority: Revolution #7-12 TPB and Albert Wesker circa anything after the first Resident Evil, my current kick is mastermind-type characters and the level of personal defenses they choose to wield. After all, they know that, sooner or later, it will come down to them and the Hero in single combat. Are they ready? For example, Doctor Doom is, whereas Dr. Evil emphatically isn't :D
Welcome to the inside of my head. Christ.
jarodrussell or anyone else really, any idea exactly what a
Blitzen Suit actually does? If you have a copy of Planetary #11 (or scans even!), that would be a massive bonus.