Another Sims Update

Jun 26, 2009 16:42

Before the post, if you have time, I posted a poll about commentary related stuff. If you have the time to check it out I'd appreciate it.

Now onto the Sims. We have a wedding AND FIRE! And me still trying to figure out where the hell Jarrett Dualla came from.

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Comments 15

nai_is_not June 26 2009, 22:49:11 UTC
Hahah awww. I am so happy with Tyrol and Kaylee :DD (Also Kacey and Hera ahahahaha.)

My Lee also has the shirt of impending presidency! There are... also a lot of mysterious immaculate conception babies in my game, oh wow.


rayruz June 27 2009, 00:36:56 UTC
I am such a crazy Kacey/Hera shipper it's so weird!

I wanna know about your IC babies.


nai_is_not June 27 2009, 01:20:29 UTC
In good time. 8D


rayruz June 27 2009, 01:22:54 UTC
*is all pouty* *but is watching Virtuality which is kinda cool*


callmeonetrack June 27 2009, 00:02:47 UTC
Dude. I love these Sims. It's too much. Helo is totally checking out Sweet Eight's rack. Who is Hera hugging in the bathroom? The vomit girl? Is that Sharon sick from the pregnancy? Leoben and Wash DO HAVE the same clothes. HEE. And what the hell is Kaylee wearing to the wedding? Dee and Kara look ready to bitchfight. Kara is missing some tattoos. No Tattoos in Sim World?


rayruz June 27 2009, 00:07:14 UTC
Kaylee's fancy clothing is sort of lacking, lame, but better than Gaius showing up in a tank top and shorts. And yes, that's Sharon sick and in maternity clothing and hugging Hera. No tattoos :( I'm really sad. Otherwise she would be inked.


lls_mutant June 27 2009, 00:32:37 UTC
They named the goldfish Narcho? ::falls over laughing:: I realize your universe isn't my universe, but in mine, the conversation went:

"Sweetie, since Dee didn't take to naming the kid Noel, could we name the goldfish Narcho?"

"You want to name our goldfish after your dead ex-fiance?"

"Um... yeah."

"Oh. Okay. Sure." But when he dies, I am SO flushing him.

I am now picturing Jarrett as talking like Toby. Which means HE NEVER SHUTS UP!!!!

Adama does look scarily like Adama. And yeah- Wash and Leoben would NEVER be able to sort their clothes out.

Great stuff!


rayruz June 27 2009, 00:36:00 UTC

Maybe the conversation did go that way. I like it. ALOT.

Yeah, Jarrett seems very talkative. BUT ADORABLE.

Wash and Leoben have such bad fashion sense and by bad fashion sense I mean none at all.

I'm so glad you like.


inperfectpeace June 27 2009, 02:49:17 UTC
I love how much you flail about Sim!Kara. lol

Roslin holding the baby makes me insanely happy. I'm just sayin'. ;)


rayruz June 27 2009, 23:30:00 UTC
Everyone should hold babies. It's just pretty!


thrace_adama June 27 2009, 23:20:21 UTC
Aww, Lee holding the baby was *adorable*!

At least it isn't Boomer... not that he'd know the difference.

LOL, so true. Poor confused Helo.

Kara in her blue dress was too awesome...


rayruz June 27 2009, 23:23:05 UTC
:D :D :D Lee with baby is soooo cute. He was teaching her to talk earlier and I died with cute.

*pets Helo*


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