My very first fic

Feb 15, 2007 21:26

Title: Serenity Chosen
Summary: set after Miranda with the crew still dealing with the aftershocks. AU cause of crossover and wash and book are still alive. Kaylee and Simon are together. Mal and Inara are starting their 'safe dating' stage (dont worry will be explained). Total Rayney goodness.*Crossover with BTVS season 7. Begins at end of 'Touched' (In my world Xander never lost and eye)
Rating: R for language and adult themes
Spoilers:BDM & Series, BTVS up to Touched
Pairings: RAYNE, S/B K/SIMON I/M X/A
Disclaimer: Joss is boss, imjust borrowing his toys. Will put them back when finished. belongs to Joss. i take no credit, tho if its given that be kool

(AU : this is my first fic here, be nice)
Chapter 1

Buffy walked cautiously into the cave. She walks up to the weapon imbedded in the bolder. She smiles thinking *thing are finally going our way*.

She reaches out and picks up the scythe and as she does everything flashes white.


The Firefly class ship 'Serenity' breaks atmo. with extraordinary force.

“Wow… ok….A for effort. Now next time lets do that right side up,” Wash said still holding the armrest of the co-pilots chair, trying to steady his breathing. He wasn’t expecting that during their first lesson. When the River asked him to give her flying lessons (which was the only way Mal would let her fly), he figured they’d start slow then build to the crazy stuff. At this rate they’d be up to ‘Crazy Ivans’ by the end of the week.

“Well, I estimated that neither of us would enjoy mild tutorials, so I decided to start with mainstream flying,” River stated grinning. She’d been sane…well saner, since the Miranda incident and has been working jobs ever since. She even moved into the open bunk in the crew quarters.

Things were finally looking up for the Serenity crew. Simon and Kaylee are FINALLY a bonifide couple. Shepard Book moved back to the Abbey, but Serenity frequently makes time to stop in and visit. With jobs going relatively smoothly (with great help on River’s part) Wash and Zoë will get more time off for real baths and fun stuff, also thanks to River’s idea for her learning to pilot Serenity. Mal and Inara are finally civil with each other, that is excluding the playful teasing that happens more often.

“I’m guessing you figured that out with your mind-reading ness,” at her hurt look her quickly added. “Which is a good thing, cuz I wasn’t gonna say anything. I, being all manly and mature, figured you’d want to start with something slow, get a feel for her.”

River, putting Serenity on autopilot, said, “That was thoughtful for you to assess that, but we should get ready to greet our new guests.”

As she gets up to leave, Wash protests, “Guests?. What guests?”


“You summoned?” the Captain joked from the doorway.

With an eye roll, Inara said, “I have news.”

“Figured you did, with the summoning and all which by the way I don’t -“

She cut him off , “I’m leaving the Guild.”

His eyes widened at that, “Well darling, if memory serves, which it might not considering how many times I’ve been hit in the head, but isn’t that illegal? And being the upstanding citizen that you are, I’m shocked.”

“And if memory serves me, Captain, you have absolutely no problem harboring fugitives,” she resorts with a smile.

He chuckles at that. God he loved this woman. But with everything that’s happened, he doesn’t want to push. They may not have all the time in the ‘verse but he knows they’ll be together.

“Actually almost right after what happened with Miranda and River and everything. I, in a sense, handed in my resignation. This, by the way, is perfectly legal.”

“Huh, so when does this resignation take effect?”

“In two days.” She said almost teary eyed.

Mal could barely contain his joy, he’s finally gonna get his girl. But he also knew that it would be hard on her, which is the reason he was contain his joy. He was just about to console her when a BANG came from the cargo bay.

Mal was up an already running down the stairs, gun pulled out, when he saw the crowd of people with their hands up.

Jayne, who was holding Vera, didn’t flinch when he realized that most of the crowd was women. Serenity was in the middle of space and no ship docked them, these people were a threat.

The same thought reached Mal which he resorted to “Ta made! Who the hell are you and what the rutting hell are you doing on my boat?”

As the group look at each other trying to figure out who was going to explain when River walked up behind Mal, raised her arm pointed at Buffy and Faith who were standing by each other and said, “ They… are the Slayers.”

Mal nodding his head said, “Oh ok that’s….WHO?”
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