Drabble: Mad Melodies

Jul 26, 2008 07:24

Title: "Mad Melodies"
Author: an_ardent_rain
Disclaimer: I only dabble - no claim on the Whedony goodness.
Rating: G
Notes: According to Microsoft Word (count), it's exactly 100. Also, got all inspired writing for the challenge. This is totally unrelated to any prompt. Heh.


River dances on beds of stars. Serenity hums alongside her - a thin, metallic melody that defies measure, pitch and tempo.

Jayne - the big, gun-laden fool who growls and gallops like some sort of untamed stallion - snorts at her well-practiced routine as he watches from backstage. "What're ya doin', moonbrain? Ain't no music for ya to be dancin' to."

No music?

How could he not hear it? How could he miss that melody, subtle and soft, caressing them all? She knows he isn't deaf. So as she continues to dance, River decides he's crazier than she'll ever be.

2008: genre - gen, 2008: drabble (100-300 words)

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