Title: A concert and a bit of surprise
Author: Ree
Theme: Sailor Mars/Rei Hino - piano
Genre: general
Version: Anime/Manga - AU Dream Castle story line
Rating: G
These characters of course do not belong to me. I wish that they could, but, alas, I did not invent them. Takeuchi Naoko was the one gifted with their creation, and they are still hers.
A concert and a bit of surprise
Freedom The violin music blended with the piano, playing around it like they were two ribbons connected to the same stick. Raye leaned back against the theater seat, soaking in the music as it wrapped around her. 'Who would have thought that Mother and Father would go to their concert? They even made it one of my required appearances.' A small smile played about her lips as she watched Michelle and Amara play. Part of her was very sure that her parents didn't know that these two girls were the friends that they had tried to ban her from. She allowed the music to carry her away.
"Raye, we have passes to go backstage and meet the performers." Her mother's voice sounded excited. "Wasn't that piano player dreamy looking?"
Raye nodded as she mused about how her relationship had changed with her mother since she had moved out. Her mother was more relaxed, calm, much less demanding than she had been before. 'Maybe since I don't have to be perfect, she can treat me different.' This was not the first time her mother had treated her more like an equal.
They showed their passes to the stage guard and were escorted back to a room. 'This must be the green room. That is, if Mina is to be trusted about the name.'
Maria looked at the concert poster on the wall. "Michelle Kaioh and Amara Tenoh... They are a nice looking couple." She cast a side glance at Raye. "Don't you agree?"
"They are a great couple. Their music resonates with their friendship." She paused over the last word, giving the impression that she almost said something different.
Disappointment flickered in her mother's eyes. "You aren't going to have any fan girl attacks when they come in here are you?"
Raye looked at the poster. "No, I'm not going to embarrass either of you that way."
Marcus smiled at her. "Let's see if you mother can refrain from it. She has been drooling over that piano player since we bought the tickets. She can't seem to get enough of him."
Raye was happy when the door opened. She didn't have to decide if she should disabuse them of their mistake.
"Congressman Hino, I presume?" Amara's voice was as rich and complex as the piano she had played earlier.
"Yes. Mr. Tenoh, I presume."
Raye watched as Amara just smiled. "This is Michelle Kaioh." Michelle nodded slightly towards them.
Her father gestured for them to join them. "And this is my wife, Maria, and my daughter, Raye."
The three friends eyes meet, questions asked, answers given. Not one of them were going to speak of their friendship.
On the way to her parent's home, Raye listened to her mother rave about the piano player. Maybe one day she would tell her that he was really a she.