Title: Tsukino does not equal Moon
Author: Ree
Theme: Preseries - junior high
Genre: general
Version: Anime/Manga
Rating: G
I asked for their stories and this is what they told me. I can't guarantee they're the truth, you will have to ask Takeuchi Naoko, to whom they belong to.
Tsukino does not equal Moon )
Comments 4
I know the name moon sounds or looks like Tsukino, but it's actually a little longer. I use to know it...there's a yugioh card named after it. I'd include that detail in the story too, that maybe the kanji looks different for the really name of moon.
Hmmm, I guess Takeuchi Naoko must have had this in mind when she named her heroine Tsukino Usagi (Rabbit of the Moon). I wonder what the japanese symbolize for rabbit is...
The characters were all new except for Kenji. And I figured that someone out there would appreciate it. I have had some girls name Margarita which you knows means Daisy, but others....
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