Title: Promotion Time
Author: Raya
Theme: Motoki / Drag
Genre: Humor / Fluff
Version: PGSM
Rating: G
Word Count: ~700
Disclaimer: Motoki and Nephrite (aka Nephikichi) belong to Takeuchi Naoko and Bandai. I have merely scrounged the imaginary internet of my mind and pulled out pictures of them to use in this crude homemade movie. ^-^
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Comments 6
Should I leave her as a frog? Or should I make her a turtle instead? *thoughtfully* That would be a good strong reason for Motoki to work there, and a good reason for the management to not care about Kamekichi being on the counter... But I thought the frog was a bit cuter.
And are you sure Nephrite was obliging, or was drafted?
Then I shall leave it as frog for now. If I have time to massage something in there about it not being a turtle, I will, but I have a feeling it is going to stay as is unless there's a major error or brilliant idea. ^-^
Shopping 90% complete! Yeah! Tomorrow will be a pain of a day, though. I need to get up early to clean off the driveway before church, go to church, do bills, bake, clean, and maybe set up the Christmas tree. That, or start wrapping. Hmmm...
As for this story, I think you should have made Nephrite more unwilling. I forget why he's even there in the story, or why he stays. I would have mentioned something about cosplay too, and display what he's wearing more. Maybe even the anime character it's based on. I'm not really sure what he's dressed as myself. Either way, I'd consider more polish *nods*
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