Title: A question of loyalties
Author: Ree
Theme: Makoto-loyalty
Genre: General
Version: Anime/Manga silver millennium (Fates storyline)
Rating: G
Makoto and her friends don't belong to me, but I'm sure you all know that. *Holds up the dolls and the paper dolls* But these... these belong to my daughter, so I can use them.
A question of loyalties )
Comments 4
And I'll see what I can do about her transformation. Probably tomorrow night.
that Sailor Venus had handed her.
following the guide that the king? had provided them.
with emeralds.'I wonder what is in it.' <-- Note spacing error.
The emeralds glowed slightly.'She said it was mine.' <-- And again.
a green light shone briefly.
and the Moon Princess in particular. ' <-- Extra space
^-^ It's Ersa. Need I say more?
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