Title: Preparing for impending danger (Danger part I)
Author: Ree
Theme: Chibi-Usa (seashore)
Genre: General
Version: Anime/Manga Crystal Toyko
Rating: G
This lovely child and her friends were the creations of Takeuchi Naoko. I am just playing with some really nice dolls. ( And hiding them from my daughter and niece.^-^)
Preparing for impending danger )
Comments 4
and noticed the worry that was lodged behind her eyes
It was when Mercury introduced their other teacher that Usagi knew
something very? bad was going to happen
the surf zone no comma? and how to identify
and the look she gave Usagi told her that? all was far from well.
And now lunch is over. Hair cut and packing tonight... Maybe dinner with J, though I kinda doubt it given the timing of everything. So, possibly a few more comments tonight, but more likely tomorrow night. ^-^ Ja ne!
Drive safe, and enjoy dinner.
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