These four took me all day to write. Correction, this one took me all day to write, and kept splintering itself into more pieces. And you already want more?! *laughs* I have to write China, US, Tibet, and Europe first, dear. Then I can write South America.
I guess I'll read over and polish these up tomorrow at lunch, and then post them tomorrow night. I've already seen a few spots where I need to tweak the wording, but overall it seems to stand pretty well.
Mayhap a few tweakings.. please post some of them before the ChibiUsa deadline...onagai-i-i-i..... And of coure I want more.. I want to see the complete story.. even the fianl battle. You made me happy and showed her home.. and know it is time to read the back story. ^-^.. And maybe I can write the two in my head soon... hopefully..
Deadline is Friday. Plan is to post before then. *smile* But only this last one would count. All of the others were targeted at other months. *sigh* I hope I get to write a couple more small CU fics, but... I think I'm giving up on awards. Too many excellent writers, not enough time, and general blahness. *wider smile*
Comments 7
I guess I'll read over and polish these up tomorrow at lunch, and then post them tomorrow night. I've already seen a few spots where I need to tweak the wording, but overall it seems to stand pretty well.
*yawn* Night!
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