Title: Hope (5/?)
Fandom, Pairing: Torchwood, Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG (for now ;D)
Genre: Angst, Drama, Romance
Disclaimer: Not mine. If it was, this wouldn't need writing.
Warnings: Spoilers for all Torchwood i think. Especially Children Of Earth.
Short Summary: a young girl, a long way from home, could be the answer to everything. If only they had the strength to hope.
Notes: Sorry for the HUGE gap in posting. :3 . The bunnies would not let me write this chapter, lol x
Masterlist Here The noise is immense. Consuming. Terrifying.
A hundred thousand voices crying out into the night, as they choke and burn.
Tears stream down your face, from gas and trauma. You cannot think. You can barely see. You just know that you must run. Run far away.
Everything hurts. Marks of torture, bag chafing. Mask cutting into soft flesh. Muscles burn.
Bodies line the streets. Some dead, some reaching out with dying cries, begging for help. But you cannot.
The door looms ahead. Scorched and scratched, but unbroken. It flies open, and you fall inside.
* * * * * * *
More tears. Hugs, kisses, frantic instructions. She hands you another bag. To be kept safe. And a letter.
He hugs you too, crushing you to his chest, sobbing into your hair. You cannot speak, only let the silent tears fall.
Across the workroom, stumbling. They hold you up. Towards the Pod.
You suddenly stop. It sinks in. You scream and thrash and beg and cry.
‘Be strong,’
The Pod is open, and you are inside. The tears still fall, but you are resigned.
He goes to the controls in the workroom. She strokes your hair. Soothing words.
‘It is time,’
You are strapped in. She hugs you again, and he smiles from across the room.
The door shudders. Scraping. Howling.
He works frantically, glancing at the doors in terror as they are pound upon.
He glances at you and pushes a final button. The Pod door closes as the workroom door breaks.
The Pod shudders.
Screams of terror. Screams of pain.
And you are gone.
* * * * * * *
Spinning. Flying.
Hours. Days.
No sense of time.
Only grief.
Heat. Pressure. Violent trembling.
Flashing warnings.
And then nothing.
Blackness. Numbness.
* * * * * * *
Voices. Murmuring
A stinging pain. Needles? Maybe.
Gentle hands. Calming words. A hand on yours.
Safe. It feels safe.
You open your eyes.
Comments are love (: x x