
Mar 28, 2007 10:25

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Comments 7

litt0_c May 10 2007, 04:02:56 UTC
Heylo..! Feel stupid completely writing to myself, haha. Add me please =)


raw_earthling May 10 2007, 04:05:32 UTC
Carolyn!! *hugs* Of COURSE I will add you! I've missed you so much! How've you been? So glad to 'see' you. Are you LJ'ing again?


new_health October 31 2007, 04:14:58 UTC
Hi! I added you as a friend on my journal and I was hoping you'd add me as a friend to your journal. I saw a post of yours on a raw community and thought we might get along. Your post showed what you had eaten for the day--lots of Green Smoothies-- which I adore! I make mine with spinach and strawberries, but I'll have to try the romaine and grapefruit because I love both. I'm restarting a raw vegan diet and am looking for friends to talk to and share recipes/tips/life with. My posts are few so far on my journal, but feel free to check them out. I've been making lots of recipes and enjoying what I've created.

hope to hear from you :)


worlddescending May 28 2008, 05:12:50 UTC
I think we should be friends y/y?



raw_earthling May 28 2008, 06:09:27 UTC
Definitely, sweetie! :) I just want to warn you of the drama in my LJ is all. I'm very personal about my schstuff/updates and non-fandomy posts alot of time time. So, I hope we're good :D *adds*



worlddescending May 28 2008, 13:42:38 UTC
No worries! You'll see I do too :D


library_of_sex June 28 2009, 23:42:34 UTC
Hey there! Just wanted to thank you for joining sexy_mood_music! I hope you enjoy the wide range of graphics and music we've offered so far!

Feel free to contribute links to our monthly music-sharing post! The link to the latest music post is on the top of our main page (not the profile).

BTW, do you happen to know where I can promote the comm with some banners by our makers? Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Take care! :)


P.S. If you'd like to help promote through your own journal or userinfo, please feel free to snag a banner at the link below. [Please do upload it to your own server though so the comm doesn't exceed its Photobucket bandwidth limit!]



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