ini mah kerjaan mentri perhubungan, you must get here, feel the people here end judge with your own eyes hun. btw you know FPI, right!? they are the one behind this all, that make moslem name become so anarchy, I'm moslem and I'm VERY DESPISE about FPI they can even use a persocon to open youtube...if this happen let's see it can be last for what time, indonesian hacker and breaker really smart even they can be compared with china
Agreed... *nods* plg juga 3 hari jebol, hahahahah, jadi kek dulu heboh soal windows bajakan...tau2 nya ga sampe seminggu udah menjamur lagi...huahahahah, malah ada VISTA bajakan!! HIDUP HACKER INDONESIA~~
pokoknya kalo FPI ga begitu ga mungkin youtube ditutup2 segala, coba kalo FPI yang kaga punya otak n cuma bisa mikir pake pan*at n tinju itu adem ayem aja...mana ada yg peduli..iya kan? lagian juga cuman mereka doang yg koar2, umat2 muslim laennya adem2 aja tuh, sama ngasih surat ke pemerintah cuman buat negur pemerintah belanda...ya ini kali ya karena nila setitik rusak susu sebelanga... sedih gw T_T
makanya.. gw seh ga masalah klo gw msh disini.. tp entar bgt gw plg gmn?! T^T *egois mode on*
XDDD VERY TRUE~ debger drama cdnya lbh ganteng lg~ XDD apalagi yg plg baru! DS bgt! XD even though I'm not into that pairing.. *is prefer D18 better* XD
I would imagine that's where he got his pet from, is all.
I've only dealt with the one in Kantou. I found a dying cat and I wanted help, so I rung them up. They were "Well, we'll take it, but we might have to kill it". I told them they could only have the cat if they didn't put it down. They suddenly got passive-aggressive and abusive -- I had to put the phone down on them and take care of the cat myself. He's still with us though. :)
Itu asli WTF dah >___>; Klo di beritanya itu sih malah SBY bilang jangan pake kekerasan kan? Maa, klo SBY sih kayanya masih pake mikir imo. Tapi ya, yg laen... >__>;
Comments 24
ini mah kerjaan mentri perhubungan, you must get here, feel the people here end judge with your own eyes hun. btw you know FPI, right!? they are the one behind this all, that make moslem name become so anarchy, I'm moslem and I'm VERY DESPISE about FPI they can even use a persocon to open youtube...if this happen let's see it can be last for what time, indonesian hacker and breaker really smart even they can be compared with china
LOL! AGREE!! Indonesians hackers is the smartest hackers in the world! XD;
pokoknya kalo FPI ga begitu ga mungkin youtube ditutup2 segala, coba kalo FPI yang kaga punya otak n cuma bisa mikir pake pan*at n tinju itu adem ayem aja...mana ada yg peduli..iya kan? lagian juga cuman mereka doang yg koar2, umat2 muslim laennya adem2 aja tuh, sama ngasih surat ke pemerintah cuman buat negur pemerintah belanda...ya ini kali ya karena nila setitik rusak susu sebelanga... sedih gw T_T
*sigh* susah lah org2 yg mikit pake pan*at.. Bego bgt! ngerusak nama negri sdr.. *sigh*
Translate drama Cd nya,,OMG, D18 banget!! Ah, D18 Saikou,,*dies*
XDDD VERY TRUE~ debger drama cdnya lbh ganteng lg~ XDD apalagi yg plg baru! DS bgt! XD even though I'm not into that pairing.. *is prefer D18 better* XD
It looks like RSPCA in Australia then.. thanks for telling me.. ^^;
I don't like them very much, to be honest! <-- why? ^^a;
I've only dealt with the one in Kantou. I found a dying cat and I wanted help, so I rung them up. They were "Well, we'll take it, but we might have to kill it". I told them they could only have the cat if they didn't put it down. They suddenly got passive-aggressive and abusive -- I had to put the phone down on them and take care of the cat myself. He's still with us though. :)
WTF?! and they call them sell as a animal rescuer?! T_T what a shame..
good to hear the cat is still alive.. ^^
Klo di beritanya itu sih malah SBY bilang jangan pake kekerasan kan? Maa, klo SBY sih kayanya masih pake mikir imo. Tapi ya, yg laen... >__>;
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