Day 31 of 31 Flavors--here's the final rec! I hope you enjoyed the multifandom tour. I didn't hit every fandom I've dabbled in (31 days wasn't enough for that), but I got most of them. I'm ending this month of recs with a nostalgia-based rec; QAF was almost my first Internet fandom, following just after BtVS. I was obsessed early on, and I still have some good friends from that time.
I like the unsentimental, unrushed handling of the Brian/Michael relationship in this story. And I love this Brian: hard-headed, hedonistic, and set on being himself. This one is set post Justin/Ethan, and it goes AU (Ben dies). My recent viewing of season 4 made me seek a B/M story to soothe the longing for a happy ending for these two best friends. Synchronik provides nicely. Brian Kinney fans will enjoy this one even if they don't ship B/M because Brian is a likeable asshole in this, as good as he ever was in canon, and there's not a drop of schmoop. Debbie and Em are fabulous in it, too. It seems like a few episodes, which is just what you want sometimes when your show goes off the air, you know?
Every Time by
synchronik (NC-17), Brian/Michael (has Brian/Justin scenes and mention of Michael/Ben)