Title: Enter the Doctor - Part 7
ravengrimm Pairing/Characters: Dean/Castiel, Ten, Sam, Cpt Jack,
Genre: Crossover - Supernatural/Doctor Who/Torchwood, Slash and some crakiness
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 3717
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Spn - S4, DrWho - up to 4.16, TW - CoE
Summary: The guys search for the rift manipulator and make an unfortunate discovery...
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Comments 21
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Hehe, I wanted to put in as many Dean/Cas kisses as possible without going overboard, hehe. Lol, they sure do, those crafty Daleks.
Thanks for sticking with this story, even though I suck at updating :P
Thank you for reading and commenting ^__^
And your icon is adorable <3
Hehehe, of COURSE Dean managed to piss off a pack of Neanderthals. Dean's such a trouble-maker. Good thing he's got an angel looking out for him. An angel he can kiss. ♥
And Daleks, huh? Ah, good ol' trash bins on wheels. Dean'll kick their asses! Or... he'll hide behind Cas as the angel kicks their asses. :)
One more thing - do I sense "something" between Sam & Jack? Because if so, that's AWESOME. *nods emphatically*
Hooray for an update! Keep writing, keep writing!
So glad you're still liking this story :D Yep, and I make sure Dean takes full advantage of having that angel to kiss as much a possible ;)
Hehe Daleks are awesome, I love how scared of that skinny little Doctor they are ^__^
And maaaybeee, that Sam/Jack thing might be something for a sequel :D
Thanks so much for reading and commenting =^.^=
Thanks for reading :)
And I just love the image of Dean being protected in Castiel's wings. It's so romantic.
I know, I couldn't resist having Cas shield Dean with his wings, I love that imagery too :)
Thank you for sticking with this story, it means a lot :)
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