This blog post hit a nerve, and creeped me out a bit. People so dead inside that they would seek out other's tales of humiliation and pain for vicarious living. But I've seen it... so I write.
For your perusal, a work of fiction - of horror.
May be triggering for people who've had bad therapy experiences.
Vampire )
Comments 10
Reading that made me feel sick. Ugh.
I'm so sorry that happened to you! I hope that woman was fired, because that's just... I can't even describe what I'm feeling right now. Ugh.
Well, I'm sure it's happened to people. And it's not just therapists who "feed" off of other peoples' pain, either. I've known people like that; they take great pleasure in the suffering and misfortune of others.
The whole pain porn, pain as entertainment thing is disturbing. It all comes from a deadness inside, a lack of meaning in ones own life.
It's often an ugly undercurrent in disaster relief, charity, anti-discrimination activism, and even other supposedly "helping" professions.
That sounds about right. Didn't he lose his license to practice in Texas? I'm pretty sure I read that he did.
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